Theclient-servermodel uses separate dedicated servers and specific client workstations; client computers will be connected to the server computer(s).»Users are able to access most of the files, which are stored on dedicated servers.»The server dictates which users are able to access which files. (Note: sharing of data is the most important part of the client-server model; with peer-to- peer, connectivity is the most important aspect.)»The client-server model allows the installation of software onto a client’s computer.»The model uses central security databases which control access to the shared resources. (Note: passwords and user IDs are required to log into the network.)»Once a user is logged into the system, they will have access to only those resources (such as a printer) and files assigned to them by the network administrator, so offers greater security than peer-to-peer networks.»Client-server networks can be as large as you want them to be and they are much easier to scale up than peer-to-peer networks.»A central server looks after the storing, delivery and sending of emails.»This model offers the most stable system, for example, if someone deletesa shared resource from the server, the nightly back-up would restore thedeleted resource (this is different in peer-to-peer – see later).»Client-server networks can become bottlenecked if there are several clientrequests at the same time.