Topic 3

Cards (41)

  • What is domestic division of labour
    The division of tasks, roles and duties within the household
  • Parsons - Division of labour
    Instrumental role - The masculine role. Geared towards achieving success at work and earning money to support the family financially
    Expressive role - The feminine role. Socialisation of the young and meeting the families emotional needs
  • AO3 - Parson & Division of labour
    Young and Willmott - Roles are outdated as women work a lot more
    Feminists - Division of labour is not natural and only benefits men
    Bott - Instrumental and expressive roles are instead conjugal roles
  • Bott - Division of labour
    Conjugal roles are roles played by men and women.
    Segregated - Separate roles with leisure activities being separate
    Conjoined - Roles are shared and leisure is together
  • March of progress - Equality of roles
    Young & Willmott: Family life is gradually getting equal as there is long term movement from segregated to joint, making the family symmetrical
  • What family types are more commonly symmetrical according to Young and Willmott
    Younger couples
    Geographically isolated couples
    More affluent couples
  • Why are families becoming more symmetrical
    Changes in the position of women
    Geographical mobility
    New technology
    Higher standards of living
  • Future foundations
    60% of men claim to do more housework than their fathers
    76% of women claim to do less housework than their mothers
  • Feminist view - Equality of roles
    Ann Oakley - Little has changed between men and women as there is still inequalities amongst men and women which stem from patriarchy
    Young and Willmott study exaggerated
  • Findings of Oakley's research into roles
    15% of men had high level participation in housework
    25% of men had high level participation in childcare which tended to be the more fun activities
  • Boulton
    Young and Willmott's findings were exaggerated as they looked at completion of tasks rather than responsibility
  • Warde & Hetherington
    Women were 30x more likely to be the last person washing
  • Gershunny - Paid work
    83% of unemployed women do housework
    73% of full time employed women do housework.
    This is a trend which is due to a gradual change in values of society. Men are beginning to do more housework but they take responsibility for different tasks
  • Sullivan - Paid work

    Analysis of data from 75 and 97 found a trend towards the equality of roles
  • Crompton - Paid work
    Agreed with Sullivan but suggests it is because women are beginning to have more power due to more financial contribution
  • Man Yee Kan - Paid work
    Income, age and education hd a positive or negative correlation with the amount of housework that women do.
    For every 10k increase of salary, results in a 2 hour decrease of housework
  • Ferri & Smith - Paid work

    Paid work has had little impact on household roles as women now experience a dual burden of paid work and maintaining the household
  • What percentage of fathers were mainly responsible for children according to Ferri and Smith
  • Morris - Paid work

    Even when men were unemployed and women were in paid work, men still did not do more than women around the house. This is due to losing the masculine role and avoiding domestic work
  • Marsden - Paid work
    Talked about the triple shift in women
    • Paid work
    • Housework
    • Emotion work
  • Silver and Schor - Commercialisation of housework
    Now women are earning money, they are contributing less to housework partly due to the commercialisation of housework. This refers to goods and services that women can not purchase instead of doing it themselves, making housework easier and less of it
  • Dunne - Gender scripts
    Expectations laid out by society about the different roles played by men and women to explain differing roles in division of labour.
    Studied 37 lesbian couples with dependent children and compared their roles to the roles of hetereosexual couples
  • Finding's of Dunne's research
    Lesbian couples were more likely to be viewed as equal, view childcare positively and had equal importance to both careers.
  • Dunne - Explanations of differences in the role of lesbian and hetereosexual couples
    Women in lesbian couples interact in different ways because they do not feel the pressure to conform to male or female gender scripts
  • AO3 - Dunne
    When one partner did a lot more paid work than the other, the time spent on domestic housework was equal
  • Pahl & Vogler - Decision making
    Men usually control the family income and make important decisions as they usually contribute more money to the household. They identify two different types of control over family income
    • Pooling
    • Allowance system
  • What is meant by pooling
    A type of control over family income where both partners have equal access to the income and joint responsibility over finance
  • What is meant by allowance system
    A type of control over family income where men give women an allowance for family needs
  • Pahl & Vogler - Pooling
    On the increase from 19% to 50%. More common among partners with full time work but men had more financial decision
  • Hardill - Decision making
    Supports Pahl and Vogler
    Research of 30 dual career couples and found the most important decisions were made by men alone or joint and their career took priority
  • Finch - Decision making
    Women's lives tended to revolve around their husband's career
  • Edgell - Decision making 

    Important decisions were made by the husband who had the final say with less important decisions being made by the wife
  • Home office definition of domestic violence
    Any violence between current or former partners in an intimate relationship wherever and whenever it occurs. The violence may include physical, sexual, emotional and financial abuse
  • 2014-15 - DV
    216000 cases of DV
  • 2009-10 - DV

    7% of women were victims
    4% of men were victims
  • Nazroo - DV
    Men against women DV tended to be more serious
  • Yearnshire
    Official statistics underestimate true extent of DV due to women's reluctance to report it to the police. Women suffer 35 assaults before they report it to the police. DV is the least likely violent crime to be reported
  • Cheal
    Police and other agencies are reluctant to become involved in the family as it is a private sphere which are free agents
  • Dobash & Dobash
    Women are more likely to be victims.
    1/8 women are repeatedly assaulted by their partners
    Violent incidents are set off by the husband seeing a threat to his authority
  • Radical feminists - DV
    Studies such as Dobash and Dobash show patriarchal beliefs are present in the family making men the oppressors of women. The family is the main source of women's oppression and men dominate women through DV or the threat of it