Something somebody receives after being found guilty of breaking the law
The courts decide whether the accused is guilty or not guilty and if guilty, impose a sentence as punishment
Life in prison
The most severe sentence in the UK, reserved for the most seriouscrimes such as murder, rape and terrorist activity
Shari'ah law
Derived from the teachings of the Qur'an, Hadith and Sunnah, followed in some Muslimcountries
In some Muslim countries, such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia, the death penalty is the most severesentence
The death penalty does not exist in UK, and no legal punishment can deliberately cause any physicalharm to the offender, whereas Shari'ah law allows corporalpunishment such as caning
Some people assume a goodaction is an action that does not break a law. However, there are many good actions that peopleperform that existoutside the law
There is no law telling people that they have to give to charity or to help people in need
Being kind and compassionate is a natural human reaction and has nothing to do with the law
People who do such good things intend to do them; it is not accidental
Some Christians and Muslims believe that adultery and abortion are wrong despite them not being illegal
Actions encouraged by genuine religious faith are good
The opposite of good; a force of negativepower which is seen in many traditions as destructive and against God
Evil actions may cause suffering, injury or death
Not all evil actions come from evilintentions (the plan that someone has before they act), sometimes a person may be influenced by the situation in which they find themselves
Under Shari'ah law, the severity of the punishment depends on the seriousness of the religiousvaluebreached
In the UK, the intentions of the criminalwill often be taken into account when setting a punishment
Many Muslims would claim that human beings are notperfect and make mistakes- evil actions may be blamed on not resisting temptation rather than the offender being wicked or evil
Christians believe no one is evil and everybody makes mistakes. Because people are createdgood, there is usually a reason why they do wickedthings (e.g. a psychological illness that should be treated in addition to the person being punished)
Reasons why some people commit crimes
Mental illness
Being without money, food or other basicneeds
Mental illness
A medical condition that affects a person's emotions or moods
A physical or mentaldependency on a substance or activity
A selfish desire for something
The opposite of love, can lead to violence or aggression
Society should ensure that nobody has to steal food. Christians support foodbanks and may campaign for the livingwage and to improve public services
Parents should teach their children the right way to behave through their own words and actions
Christians believe that treating the causes of mentalillness is the most loving and compassionate thing to do
Christians are against taking illegal drugs and support rehabilitation as a way of defeating the addiction
Christians permit alcohol but not to excess
The Ten Commandments forbid envy and it is envy that often causes greed
Jesus taught to loveeverybody, even enemies
Some Christians may agree with opposition to unjust laws but only if no violence is involved and nobody is harmed
Shari'ah law is believed to be God's law so it cannot be unjust. Therefore this is not a good reason for breaking the law
Even though some people believe they have a justified reason for committing crimes, everybody must obey the law. This helps society to live in peace without fear of danger
Christians believe God put the system of government in place to rule every citizen
Regardless of the reasons why crimes are committed, most crimes are selfish because they harm innocent people in order that the criminal can get what they want or need
Many Christians and Muslims condemn the crimes people commit but do not hate the people who commit them