Anatomy UE 3

Cards (104)

  • Angle where odd facets come in contact with the femur
  • Acting as an extensor when the hip is flexed and flexor when hip is extended
    Adductor longus
  • Involves the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve to the thigh
    Meralgia parasthetica
  • Tx of congenital hip dislocation, the position to maintain the head of the femur deeply into the acetabulum is...
    flex, abd and ext rot
  • other name for inguinal ligament
    cleland ligament
  • immobilization of femoral shaft fracture
    18 weeks
  • angle between the axis of femoral neck and femoral shaft
    angle of inclination
  • provides innervation of the iliac crest
    cluneal nerve
  • thickening of tensor fascia
    iliotibial band
  • reverse action of the latissimus dorsi

    hip hiking/hip elevation
  • gait deviation not evident during fast walking
    gluteus medius lurch or tredelenburg gait
  • distal insertion of iliopsoas
    lesser trochanter
  • hip adductor muscle with dual innervation
    adductor magnus (obturator and sciatic nerve)
  • Contraindications in hip arthroplasty
    adduction beyond midline, hip flexion beyond 90 degs, int. rot beyond 20 degs, abduction beyond 45 degs
  • longest muscle
  • can flex hip while sitting position
  • strongest hip ligament or yellow ligament of bigelow
    iliofemoral ligament
  • prevents hyperextension of hip
    iliofemoral ligament
  • angle of inclination of femoral neck and shaft
    125 degs
  • PES Anserine Muscles
    Sartorius, Adductor Gracilis, Semitendinosus
  • prevents excessive hip aBduction
    Pubofemoral Ligament
  • maintain a level pelvis during unilateral stance
    gluteus medius
  • blood supply of femoral artery
    circumflex A
  • flat triangular muscle that fills up the iliac fossa
  • only pes anserine muscle that is innervated by the obturator nerve
    gracilis/adductor gracilis
  • AKA Scarpa's Triangle 

    Femoral Triangle
  • common site for heterotrophic ossification
    hip joint
  • obturator muscle supplies the ff. major adductor muscles except the
    post. portion of the adductor magnus
  • gluteus maximus aids in hip adduction, in what position of hip joint
    hip flexed at 90 degs
  • site of palpation of psoas abscess
    inguinal ligament
  • nerve supply of the subcrucreus or articularis genu
    femoral nerve or nerve to vastus mediallis
  • normal ratio or motion in the lumbar and pelvic area
    lumb-pelvic rhythm
  • ligament that restricts flexion of the hip joint
    ischiofemoral ligament
  • strongest mm./ramp mm.
    gluteus maximus
  • popples nerve
    sciatic nerve
  • femoral nerve (l2-l3) innervates
  • sup. gluteal n. (l4-s1) innervates
    gluteus medius
  • innervation of cremasteric reflex
    external b ranch of ilioinguinal
  • mm responsible for cremasteric reflex
    bulbospondiusom and ischiocavernosus
  • most common hip dislocation
    posterior hip dislocation