1. Ingratiation - Requesters first induce target to like them
2. Incidental similarity - Requesters call attention to small/ surprising similarities between them and ourselves, creating a feeling of affiliation
3. Foot-in-the-door Technique - Requesters begin with a small request and then, when it is granted, escalate to a larger one
4. Lowball Procedure - An offer or deal is changed to make it less attractive to the target person after this person has accepted it
5. Door-in-the-face Technique - Requesters begin with a large request and then, when this is refused, retreat to a smaller one
6. That's Not All Technique - Requesters offer additional benefits to target persons before they have decided whether to comply with or reject specific requests
7. Playing Hard to Get - Suggesting that a person or object is scarce and hard to obtain
8. Deadline Technique - Target persons are told that they have only limited time to take advantage of some offer or to obtain some item
9. Four walls technique - Question customer in such a way that gets answers consistent with the idea that they need to own object