An artistic representation of life, that is, of varied human experiences, in different forms of expressions
The preserved writings of a country or a people. It is the embodiment of a nation's traditions, customs, and cultural patterns
A faithful reproduction of man's manifold experiences blended into one harmonious expression
World Literature
Works of literature that have been created, distributed, and circulated beyond their country of origin
World Literature
Encompasses literary works from diverse cultures and languages, transcending national boundaries
World Literature
Writing that circulates widely beyond the borders of its country of origin
World Literature
Describes the entirety of global literature/ the circulation of literary materials into all parts of the world, regardless of their origins
Literary genres
Prose fiction
Prose nonfiction
Creative nonfiction
An artistic representation of life, that is, of varied human experiences, in different forms of expressions
The preserved writings of a country or a people. It is the embodiment of a nation's traditions, customs, and cultural patterns
A faithful reproduction of man's manifold experiences blended into one harmonious expression
World Literature
Works of literature that have been created, distributed, and circulated beyond their country of origin
World Literature
Encompasses literary works from diverse cultures and languages, transcending national boundaries
World Literature
Writing that circulates widely beyond the borders of its country of origin
World Literature
Describes the entirety of global literature/ the circulation of literary materials into all parts of the world, regardless of their origins
Literary genres
Prose fiction
Prose nonfiction
Creative nonfiction
Literary Periods/Movements
The evolution of literature through time
The span of time in which literature shared intellectual, linguistic, religious, and artistic influences
The Classical Period (1200 BC - 455 AD)
The Heroic Age was known as a stage in the development of human societies
The first literary period
It gave rise to legends about heroic deeds and mythology
Greek legends were passed along orally, including Homer's The Iliad and The Odyssey
Started the practice of writing literature down
The chaotic period of warrior-princes, wandering sea-traders, and fierce pirates
Philippines and the World
Fierce pirates
Classical Greek Period
800-200 BC
Golden Age of Greece
Some of the world's finest art, poetry, drama, architecture, and philosophy originated in Athens
Greek writers, playwrights, and philosophers
Classical Roman Period
200 BC - 455 AD
Greece's culture
Gave way to Roman power when Rome conquered Greece in 146 AD
Roman writers
Roman rhetoricians
Notable Works
Amores and Metamorphoses
The Art of Poetry
Patristic Period
70 AD-455 AD
Patristic Period
Christianity spread across Europe and the fall of Roman Empire to the barbarians
Early Christian writers include Saint Augustine, Saint Cyprian, Saint Ambrose, and Saint Jerome
First compilation of the Bible
The Medieval Period
428 - 1450
The Old English (Anglo-Saxon) Period
The "Dark Ages"
Occurred after Rome fell and barbarian tribes moved into Europe. Angles, Saxons, and Jutes migrated to Britain displacing native Celts into Scotland, Ireland, and Wales
Notable Works
The Wanderer
The Seafarer
Asia during the Medieval Period
Rise of haiku poetry
Genji Monogatari (Tale of Genji)
The Middle English Period
1066 - 1450
The Middle English Period
Norman French armies invaded and conquered England and marked the end of Anglo-Saxon hierarchy
The rise of French Chivalric romances spread in popularity
Scholastic and theological works were produced
Notable Works
Marie de France - French fables
Geoffrey Chaucer - Canterbury Tales
Anonymous-Gawain Poet (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight)