Biology : Topic 10

Cards (12)

  • Pathogen
    Disease-causing organism
  • Transmissible disease

    Disease in which pathogen can be passed from one host to another
  • Incubation period

    The time when a pathogen is inside the body and starts to multiply and increase in number before you start to feel ill
  • Methods of microbes' transmission
    1. Direct Transmission
    2. Indirect Transmission
  • Direct Transmission

    • Host —> Host
  • Indirect Transmission
    • Host —> vector —> host
  • Indirect Transmission
    • Animal vectors
    • Food / water borne
  • Body defense mechanisms
    • Mechanical Barriers
    • Chemical Barriers
  • Mechanical Barriers
    • The dead outer layer of skin cells is a barrier
    • Oil glands in your skin makes antiseptic oil that kill pathogen
    • Blood clot prevents entry of microbes
    • Nose hairs filter the air and act as a barrier for microbes
  • Chemical Barriers
    • Stomach acid kills the pathogen in your food
    • Mucous in your air passages sticks the dust and microbes
    • Cilia sweep mucous, dust and microbes up to your throat to be swallowed
    • Tears contain lysozyme enzyme that kills pathogen
  • Second line of defense
    • Phagocytes engulf pathogens and destroy them
    • Lymphocytes produce antibodies and memory cells
  • Antibodies
    Break down bacterial cell wall