
Cards (81)

  • Ho Chi Minh
    -Communist leader of the Vietminh (Communist Vietnamese Nationalists) and president of North Vietnam Communist party 1945-1969
    -Used Guerrilla tactics
  • Vietminh
    Communist group led by Ho Chi Minh whose aim was to gain independence for Vietnam. (north)
  • Who invaded Vietnam during WWII?
    Japan, US opponents. Many saw this as an opportunity for independence. In 1941 chi Minh and Giap set up the Vietminh in an attempt to gain independence.
  • Dien Bien Phu
    the fortress in Vietnam where French forces were trapped and eventually surrendered in March 1954
  • Who ruled Vietnam before WWII?
    French Indo-China
  • Who helped the Vietminh defeat the Japanese?
    The US, as they wanted to defeat Japan in the war. US intelligence helped train and equip the Vietminh to use guerrilla operations. When America's bomb hit Hiroshima in August 1945, the Japanese were forced to evacuate Vietnam.
  • What did Ho Chi Minh do when the war ended?
    Occupied the two major cities of Hanoi and Saigon while declaring Vietnam a independent, democratic republic. The US were not opposed at this time.
  • How was Vietnam's independence opposed?

    -Within 5 weeks French troops drove the Vietminh out of South Vietnam. For the next five years Ho Chi MInh conducted a guerilla campaign against the french.
  • How was Diem corrupt?
    -He persecuted Buddhists because he was a Catholic.
    -He ruled as a dictator.
    -He "reducated" the Vietminh in prison camps
    -He allowed landowners to force their tenants to pay high taxes.
  • Ngo Dinh Diem
    -President of Capitalist South Vietnam 1955-1963
    -Was a corrupt dictator, many South Vietnamese disliked him.
  • US Involvement under president Eisenhower:

    -US president from 1953-61.
    -Did not want elections in South Vietnam
    -Sent money to support Diem and French
    -Believed in Domino theory and containment.
    -Provided financial and military traaing backing for the ARVN.
    -Propped up Diem to prevent communism spreading in the south.
    -Eventually realised Diem was unpopular and corrupt which encouraged people to support the VC.
  • US Involvement under President JFK:
    -US president from 1961-1963
    -Domino theory believer.
    -Did not want to be associated with Diem's corruption so supported leading generals to assassinate Diem.
    -Sent 16,000 US advisors to train ARVN (South Vietnam Army.)
    -Formed strategic hamlets to improve security against the VC in the countryside.
  • US Involvement under President Lyndon B Johnson
    -US president from 1963-1969
    -Strong believer in domino theory
    -Advised to sent more troops, even though he wanted to extend advisory role (1964-1965)
    -After the US destroyer Maddox was attacked by the Northern Vietnamese patrol in Gulf of Tonkin , he escalated the war by passing the Gulf of Tonkin resolution which led to 20000+ troops and operation rolling thunder.
  • Vietcong tactics towards the US
    -Booby traps (Punji trap, bouncing betty, the tin can trap)
    -Used Ho Chi Minh trail to transport supplies
    -Guerilla (sneak attacks)
    -Plain, Peasant clothing.
    -Tunnels and knowledge of landscape
  • Impact of vietcong tactics on US
    -Bobby traps would harm americans.
    -Lower morale and wear down soldiers.
    -Constantly be fearful of ambushes.
  • US tactics towards the Vietcong
    -Operation rolling thunder (air power)
    -Search and destroy missions using helicopters.
    -Chemical weapons.
    -Defending air bases with combat troops.
  • Agent Orange
    a chemical herbicide used in the Vietnam War to defoliate forest areas and expose the VC
  • Napalm
    Highly flammable chemical dropped from US planes in firebombing attacks during the Vietnam War that burned people to the bone.
  • The Gulf of Tonkin resolution

    Congressional action that gave President Johnson the authority to escalate the Vietnam War.
  • Impact of US tactics on the Vietcong
    -Willing to accept casualties and losses for a greater cause.
    -The US destroyed Vietnamese civilian villages, encouraging them to support the VC.
  • Impact of US tactics on US public opinion
    -Might be seen as too aggressive when using chemical weapons on civilians.
    -Too weak when harmed with tunnel traps.
    -Pointless war harming US soldiers.
  • Vietcong (VC)

    -South Vietnamese peasant soldiers.
    -Communists who wanted to join the North.
    - Trained by Vietminh.
    -Used the Ho Chi Minh trail
    -Supplied by the USSR and North Vietnam.
  • South Vietnam Army (ARVN)
    -South Vietnamese Capitalist army fighting the VC.
    -Constantly losing.
    -Supported by US forces.
  • US involvement under President Nixon
    -US president from 1969-1974.
    - Responsible for vietnamisation policy which involved placing the blame of war on South Vietnam.
    -In 1973 he signed a peace treaty, the last troops left in 1975.
  • Communism
    A form of socialism that abolishes private ownership
  • Nationalism
    patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder
    Intense bombing campaign against North Vietnam ordered by President Johnson in February 1965.
  • Punjabi trap
    A deep hole with upturned bamboo or metal spikes with points of human excrement.
  • Concealed trap
    A concealed hole under a path which could break the ankle of anyone who stepped on it.
  • Domino theory

    The US theory that stated, if one country would fall to Communism then they all would, especially in Asia.
  • Bouncing Betty

    Was a mine just under the earth's surface. It exploded when a solider trod on one of the three prongs jutting upwards from the ground.
  • The tin can trap
    A grenade with the pin removed which was wedged inside a can to stop it from being detonated - until a solider unwittingly set it off by tripping over a wire.
  • President Truman's involvement in Vietnam:
    -The Truman Docterine of containment. (containment of Communism ideas)
    -After the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu to Vietminh America worried who would control America.
    -Fear of communism spreading after the Vietminh gained support from communism China.
    -Truman wanted to stop the Vietminh turning Vietman communism.
    -He supported the French ruling government by giving them financial aid.
  • Vietmanisation
    A policy of the Richard Nixon administration to end U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War through a program to expand, equip, and train South Vietnamese force to cope with the VC themselves.
  • Why did Vietnamisation fail?
    Hanoi realised US opposition to aiding the war would eventually led to US withdrawal of troops.
  • The madman theory

    Trying to convince North Vietnam that Nixon was such a strong believer in domino theory that he would use nuclear weapons against North Vietnam, if the war did not end
  • The bombing of North vietnam
    -Increased air raids with B52 bombers in the North after 1971.
    -Operation Linebacker (18-29 Dec 1972) aimed at winning concessions in the Paris peace talks, it was the largest aerial attack of the war.
    -1,600 civilians killed in Hanoi
  • Causes of the Tet offensive of 1968
    -The VC wanted to exploit negative US pubic opinion and hoped this attack would force the US out.
    -Knew the ARVN were on leave for public holiday.
    -Hoped it would inspire support from the people of South Vietnam.
  • Attack on Cambodia (1970)
    -Nixon ordered bombing of neutral Cambodia as the VC were using the Ho Chi Minh trail that passed through Cambodia.
    -Ordered bombing without knowledge of congress.
    -3 million tonnes of bombs dropped
    -1000000 killed
    2 million made homeless
    -demonstrations in US
  • Attack on Laos (1971)

    In February 1971 5000 elite troops ARVN troops entered Laos to destroy the Ho Chi Minh Trail there, with US air support. The NVA were equipped with USSR weapons defeated them, killing half the ARVN there.