meiosis = celldivision that produce 4genetically different cells (producing gametes)
mitosis & meiosis result in division of nucleus & cytoplasm (cytokinesis)
interphase = phasebetweendivisions including G1, S, G2
Stages of interphase
G1 (G = gap) phase
cell grows
neworganelles form
CHECKPOINT 1: checks cell doescorrect function
2. S (S = synthesis) phase
A. DNA synthesis
B. DNA is replicated (amount of DNA doubles)
CHECKPOINT 2: checks DNA has replicated/doubled
3. G2 phase
A. protein synthesis
4. Mitosis -> cytokinesis
tumours = result of uncontrolled division of geneticallyabnormal cells
'genetically abnormal' as they have mutations
mutations in genes regulating cell division may lead to tumour forming
Cancer genes:
tumoursuppressorgenes = genes that stop inappropriate cell growth
oncogenes = genes that promote cell growth
Cancer treatment
Often involves blocking a part of the cell cycle
- preventing DNA replicating
- inhibit metaphase of mitosis by interfering with spindle formation
problem: also disrupts cell cycle of normal cells
- HOWEVER drugs are more effective against rapidly dividing cells as cancer cells have fast dividing rate typically & so are damaged to a greater degree
- HOWEVER normal cells that are rapidly dividing are also vunerable to damage (e.g. hair-producing cells)
chromatin = looselycoiledDNA and associatedhistoneproteins
during cell division -> chromatin supercoils & condenses & become visible
occur in homologouspairs -> humans have 23 pairs (2 versions of each chromosome -> 1 maternal and 1 paternal)
sex chromosomes are non-homologous
Mitoticindex = (no. of cells with condensedchromosomes/total no. of cells) x 100
Mitosis: Interphase
Organelles multiply
Chromosomes are copied (DNA replication)
Mitosis: prophase
nuclear membrane breaksdown
centriolesmove to poles & form spindlefibres
Mitosis: Metaphase
Chromosomes lineupalong the equator of the cell
chromosomes attach to spindlefibres via the centromere
Mitosis: Anaphase
Spindle fibres shorten & separatesisterchromatids
each chromosome moves to an oppositepole of the cell
Mitosis: Telophase
Chromosomesreachpoles of cell
Nuclearenvelopes start to form
Chromosomes begin to decondense
Spindle fibres breakdown
Mitosis: cytokinesis
Cytoplasm & cellmembranedivide
2 genetically identicaldaughter cells are formed
Structure of membranes: phospholipids
most organelles have single membrane except mitochondria, chloroplasts & nucleus + ribosomes have no membrane
made of phospholipids
- allow lipid-soluble substance to diffuse in/out of cell