A Type of Social Influence where someone acts in Response to a Direct Order from Authority
Source (Social Impact Theory):
The Person doing the Influencing
Target (Social Impact Theory):
The Person being Influenced
For the Good of the Individual
For the Good of the Group
An Over-Generalisation which Ignores the Similarities between groups and Emphasises the Differences between them
A Mental Attitude, often based on Stereotypes, which attributes Characterstics to an Individual based on their Membership of a Group or Category
A Behaviour where someone Acts upon Prejudices so that individuals are treated on the basis of their Group Membership rather than their Individual Attributes
Prejudice against Foreigners
Prejudice against Women
Prejudice based on Race
Prejudice against Homosexuals / those who are part of the LGBTQ+ Community
Prejudice against Disabled People
Prejudice against those in the Trans Community
Prejudice based on Sex
Social Categorisation (Social Identity Theory):
Dividing people into the Ingroup and the Outgroup
Social Identification (Social Identity Theory):
People taking on the Roles, Behaviours and Attitudes of their Ingroup
Social Comparison (Social Identitiy Theory):
When the Group Division is deemed Relevant, the Ingroup and Outgroup are compared in a way where the Ingroup is always Better
Social Norms:
Unwritten Rules about How to Behave
The Format in which Information is Stored in Memory
The Process of Holding Information in Memory
The Process of Recalling Information
The Amount of Information that can be Held in a Memory Store
The Length of TimeInformation can be Held in Memory
Iconic Memory:
Sensory Memory for Images
Echoic Memory:
Sensory Memory for Sounds
Primacy Effect (Serial Position Curve):
Items at the Start of the List are Recalled Better
Recency Effect (Serial Position Curve):
Items at the end of the List are Recalled Better as long as there is No Delay
Declarative Memory:
Memories that can be expressed in Words
Procedural Memory:
Muscle Memory
Episodic Memory:
Personal Experiences (Stories)
Semantic Memory:
General Factual Information
Schemas (Tulving's Long Term Memory):
The Categories that Facts fit into
Structures of Knoledge to help us Make Sense of the World
Equilibrium (Schemas):
Information that Fits with the Schema
Disequilibrium (Schemas):
Feeling of Unease because InformationDoes Not Fit with Schemas
Assimilation (Schemas):
Information Added to Existing Schemas
Accommodation (Schemas):
Schemas are Changed to allow for New Information
Levelling (Schemas):
Downplaying Details that Did Not Agree with our Schemas
Sharpening (Schemas):
Exaggerating Details that Agree with our Schemas, or Adding Details to make the Experience Agree with our Schemas