Scots determined to take back the border between the towns of Berwick & Dunbar
recaptured Dunbar
signed a 3 year truce (July)
James III killed by rebellious nobles
Henry had to rebuild relations with new monarch
Henry attempted to support Scottish rebels however limited by Brittany war and Yorkish rebellions
Warbeck received a royal welcome and marriage to James' cousin
Warbeck received military support for invasion and shelter for 2 years
However few Scottish nobles supported so the 1400 men were driven back
Henry extracted 'heaviest taxation of century'- largest military force ,received loan of £50'000 and parliament provided £120'000, used this to fund two royal armies, a fleet to carry 5,000 men and substantial artillery support.
Cornish rebellion
Warbeck arrived in the autumn of 1497 and again forces were needed to put down this rebellion.
Truce of Ayton(sep)seven year truce which was the first peace treaty signed between Scotland and England since 1328.
Treaty of Perpetual Peace’ was signed.
1503- The truce was extended and Margaret was to be married to James.
Borderraids, the AuldAlliance and James’expansion of his navy led to strained relations in the final years of Henry’s reign. Henry had stabilised notsecured his northern border.