Cards (65)

  • Saline phase /@4C
    Anti-P1 reacts at
  • Saline phase /@4C
    Anti-I reacts at
  • a4°C
    Anti-i reacts at
  • Saline phase
    Anti-M reacts at
  • Saline / immediate spin phase
    Anti-N reacts at
  • 37°C/AHG
    Anti-Ss reacts at
  • AHG/37C
    Anti-K reacts at
  • AHG/37C
    Anti-Fya/Fyb reacts at
  • Saline -phase (crossmatching)

    Anti-Lua reacts at
  • 37°C/AHG
    Anti-Lub reacts at
  • Lewis
    blod group produced by tissues cells
  • Legene
    Produce lewis antigen
  • FUT3
    codes for the production fo fucosyl transferase
  • Pancrease, Stomach, Intestine, Skeletal muscle, adrenal gland
    organs that produce lewis ag
  • i MNSs U Kidd Kell Duffy
    antigens that are well developed at birth
  • P I Lewis Lutheran
    Antigens that are poorly developed at birth
  • Le(a-,b+)

    if both the Le and Se genes are expressed in the rbc membrane, what is the expression of the gene
  • Le(a+,b-)
    If only the Le gene is expressed, no Se gene in the rbc membrane, what is the expression of the gene?
  • Le(a-,b-)

    If both Le and Se genese are not expressed, then the gene expression will be
  • Le(a-,b-)

    If the Se gene is the only one expressed, then the gene expression will be
  • Lea
    Most common Lewis antigen
  • Leb ag
    receptor antigen for H. pylori (causative agent for peptic ulcer)
  • Lex ag
    marker for hodgkins Lymphoma (Reed sternberg cell)
  • P, P1, Pk
    what are the 3 antigens of P system
  • glycosyltransferase
    P P1 PK are produced by what enzyme
  • chromosome 22, 6, 1
    Duffy blood group is located in
  • cancer, alcohol cirrhosis, viral and parasitic infection

    3 conditions of Le (a-, b-)
  • P antigen
    it is the receptor for Parvovirus B19
  • Donath-Landsteiner test
    Test of choice for biphasic hemolysin
  • anti-PP1Pk (anti-Tja)

    It is associated with spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy
  • Papain and Ficin
    enhances the aftivity of I antigen
  • Adult-cell , children-cell
    Big I demonstrate strong reaction in _, while small i in _
  • M. pneumoniae, L. monocytogenes
    Has I like antigens on their surface (give 2)
  • Associated with EBV (infectious mononucleosis), Liver cirrhosis, Myeloid Leukemia, Reticulosis
  • MNS blood group
    the gene responsible for production of glycosyltransferase (chromosome 4)
  • MN = Landsteiner-Levine, Ss = Walsh-Montgonery
    MN and Ss
  • MN ag

    Cord cell is rich in what antigens
  • MN ag
    this ag is important for paternity testing
  • position 1 and 5
    only difference of the 2 amino acid
  • serine-glycine, leucine-glutamic-acid
    position of M ag _ & _
    N ag _ & _