If Sports marketers ignore the 4C's, this increases their risk of making wrong marketing mix decisions
The 4C's are constantly changing, and require constant monitoring and research
The 4C's positively or negatively impact the 4P's
Product is what the sport company is trying to sell
Price is the exchange value of the product
Place is the process in getting the sports product to the consumer
Promotion is used to publicize the product or organization, so as to increase sales or public awareness
The 5 items that are considered products in the sports industry include goods, services, people, places and ideas
Product differentiation is a marketing process that showcases the differences between products
The price of a product can be manipulated through ways such as Promotional Pricing, other Short-term Pricing Strategies, and Long-term Pricing Strategies
Whether the product is a "Hard good" or not affects the channel it is distributed through
Promotional methods that can be used include television commercials, print advertisements, direct-mail advertising, promotional pricing, and “giveaways”.
The goal of promotion is to attract consumer's attention, generate interest, create desire, and convince the customer to act or purchase the product (AIDA)
The 2 broad categories of products are Tangible Product and Intangible product
A tangible product is a concrete, physical object
An intangible product does not have a physical presence
The function of a product is what a product allows a consumer to do with it
The benefit of a product is everything that the consumer derives from the product
The product is the satisfaction agent for those functions and benefits
A Marketing Plan is a comprehensive document or blueprint contraining specific details regarding product offering, price, strategies, etc
A Product Category is a group of products that are either exactly alike or have similar characteristics
Product Categories are useful to sports marketers as it allows them to fullyunderstand and market their product
Consumer products (B2C) are those offered by the sports industry to the final or end consumer for personal use
Businessproducts (B2B) are those offered to businesses or organizations
The Sports industry consists of 3 segments: Sports performance industry segment, The sports production industry segment, and Sport promotion industry segment
The sport performance industry segment consists of sport performance as a product, either as a participation product or spectatorial product
The sport product industry segment consists of products such as equipment and apparel required for sport performance
The sport promotion industry segment includes products used in the promotion of a sport industry products
The Product Life Cycle goes from the Introduction stage, Growth, Maturity, and Decline
During the Introduction stage, the sport product is put on the market and first offered to consumers
During Growth, demand begins to develop and the sport product begins to sell
During Maturity, the product may have found a steady place in the market, but still deal with competitors
During Decline, sales fall rapdily due to many reasons
A Product Line is a set of closely related products
Product items are specific products within a product line
The Product Mix is the complete set of all product line that the sport company offers to the consumer
The 3 variables that can be used to describe the product mix of a company are Width, Depth, and Consistency
Product Positioning is the perception that consumer hold about the product's attributes, quality, uses and other functions compared to competitors
The 4 different product strategies that can be developed are: Market Penetration, Market Development, New Product Development, and Product Diversification
Market Penetration is when a company tries to sell more of its present products to its present consumer markets