Cards (23)

    1. the specimen should be collected from the? and avoid the?
    a= The actual site of infection, normal flora
  • 2. what should you obtain before initiation of antibiotic therapy?
    a= cultures
  • 3. 5 criteria for specimen rejection?
    a= unidentified labeled specimens, specimen placed in formalin, single swab submitted, quantity not sufficient, broken container
  • 4. nurse A submitted a stool sample beyond the required time, what would be the actions that should be taken by the lab technician?
    a= to reject
  • 5. are designed to preserve the viability of bacteria during transport without allowing them to multiply?
    a= transport media
  • 6. neisseria transport media?
  • 7. What is the transport media for Vibrio and stool; pathogens?
    a= cary blair
  • 8. what is the transport media for bacteria and virus?
    a= stuart's
  • 9. what is the transport media for Respiratory specimens?
    a= Amie's
  • 10. what is transport media for COMMON STOOL MEDIUM?
    a= buffered glycerol saline
  • 11. what is the level and classification of prioritization for Amniotic fluid, CSF, Pericardial fluid?
    a= Level 1 critical/invasive
  • 12. what is the level and classification of prioritization for bone, stool, tissue?
    a= level 2 unpreserved
  • 13. what is the level and classification of prioritiztion for catheter tip, urine?
    a= level 3 quantitation required
  • 14. what is the level and classification for urine, feces, swabs in holding media?
    a= level 4 preserved
  • 15. how many ml of blood is collected in adults and children?
    a= adults 20-30ml, children 5-10 ml
  • 16. 3 tube for cerebrospinal fluid collection?
    a= first tube: chemistry/serology, second tube: microbiology for culture, third tube: hematology for cell count
  • 17. usually used for infections such as meningitis or the infection of meninges?
    a= Cerebrospinal fluid
  • 18. when collecting urine sample it should be?
    a= midstream clean catch urine
  • 19. swab used for Streptococcus pyogenes, Candida albicans, and haemophilus influenzae?
    a= throat swab
  • 20. this moisten swab is used to detect carrier state of Staphylococcus aureus?
    a= nasal swab
  • 21. flexible swab is used to detect carrier state of Neisseria menigitidis and Bordetella pertussis?
    a= nasopharyngeal swab
  • 22. specimen used to determine the cause of vaginitis, urethritis and cervicitis, often used to determine sexually transmitted disease?
    a= Genitourinary specimen transport medium is JEMBEK or Gono-pak
  • 23. preferred specimen for wound/ abscess culture is?
    a= needle and syringe aspirate