Genetic drift refers to changes in allele frequencies resulting from random chance. It may lead to changes in the allele frequencies and can even lead to the disappearance of these species.
Biogeography studies is the science that studies thee distribution of organisms relative to their history and history on Earth
Erasmus Darwin's Zoonomia (The Laws of Organic Life) argued that Life may have started before the start of humankind
Founder effect occurs when a few individuals are separated from the population and are able to establish a territory. This may lead to speciation, the emergence of new species.
Bottleneck effect - when the size of a population is severely reduced, leaving a few surviving individuals to reproduce in a new environment.
Microevolution: DNA mutation, sexual selection, gene pool, genetic drift
Gene pool refers to a collection of genes and its alleles.
Macroevolution: Gene flow (immigration and emigration), speciation, extinction, adaptive radiation, divergent and convergent evolution, and coevolution
Gene flow - refers to movement of alleles out of a population such as EMIGRATION, which could lead to reduction in genetic variation, and IMMIGRATION that could lead to an increase in the diversity of a gene pool.
immigration - individuals moving into an existing group of population
emigration - when certain members leave their group
A species refers to a group of organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring
Divergent evolution is where related species divert to new habitats.
Convergent evolution is where distantly related species evolve similar structures.
Mutation can be either beneficial that can increase the likelihood that an organism produce more offspring or harmful