The two types of Correspondence are Personal and Professional.
Personal letters expresstheviews, ideas, andfeelings of the writer in a personal manner.
Personal letters are private letters written to friends, relatives,
colleagues, acquaintances, etc.
The objectives of Personal Letters are to establish personal contacts and to maintain personal relationships.
The subject matter of the Personal Letter is requesting, apologizing, congratulating, inquiring, sympathizing, informing, etc.
Format of Personal Letter:
I. Sender’s Address with date
II. Salutation
III. Main Body
IV. Complimentary Close
V. Signature (Name)
Official/Business Letters we write letters to customers, suppliers, organizations, offices, employees, etc.
The purpose of Business Letters are:
Selling a product
Making a complaint
Thanking an official
Welcome remarks
Seeking information
Applying for a job
Structure of a Business Letters:
I. Sender’s Address and Date
II. Name, designation, and address of recipient
III. Salutation
IV. Subject Line
V. Body
VI. Complimentary Close
VII. Name w/ Signature
There are 5 types of Business Letters which are the Cover, BusinessInquiry, Quotation, Complaint, Apology Letter.
BusinessInquiry Letter is written to sellers (quality and quantity of the product), price, deliverymode, payment.
After receiving the letter of inquiry from a prospective buyer, the sellerssupply the relevantinformation by writing a letter is called quotationletter.
Complaint Letter is writtenbyabuyertotheseller giving the order to purchase the goods.
Apology Letter is written in the circumstances when we make mistakes and fail to renderourdutiesproperly.
Cover Letter is a letter of introduction that highlightsyourkey accomplishments to fit for a job opening. It also adds focustoyourresume.
Key points of Cover Letters:
It introduces you to the reader.
Responds to the requirements of the job.
Attracts the reader’s interest and refers them to your resume.
Hypertext is a non-linearwaytopresentinformation and is usually accomplished using "links".
Hypertext also allows the reader to create their own meaning out of the material given to them and learn better associatively.
The World Wide Web is a global hypertext system of information residing on servers linked across the internet.
It was Ted Nelson who coined the term hypertext in 1963.
Intertextuality is one method of text development that enables the author to make another text based on another text.
Intertextuality defined as a process of text development that merges two or more processes such as imitation and creation in doing a text.
Intertextuality has rooted from the work of a SwisslinguistFerdinand de Saussure. Meanwhile, the term itself was first used by Bulgarian-Frenchphilosopher and psychoanalyst, Julia Kristeva.
There are 5 Elements of Intertextuality which are Retelling, Parody, Pastiche, Quotation, Allusion.
Retelling is the restatementofastory or re-expression of a narrative.
Quotation is the method of directly liftingtheexactstatements or set of words from a text another authorhasmade.
Allusion is a method by a writer or speaker explicitly or implicitly pertains to an idea or passage found in another text without the use of quotation.
Parody is a work that's createdbyimitatinganexistingoriginalwork in order to makefun of or comment on an aspect of theoriginal.
The term parody (pronounced par–uh-dee) is derived from the Greek phrase parodia which referredtoatypeofpoem which imitated the style of epicpoems but with mockery and lightcomedy.
Pastiche is a text developed in a way that itcopiesthestyles or other properties of another text withoutmakingfun of it unlike in a parody.
Evaluative Statements is a statement that states one's sound judgementaboutsomethingthroughwriting which is supported by reasons and evidences.
EvaluativeStatements also represents the strengths and weaknesses of something based on a set of criteria which needs to be factual, substantial, and unbiased.
Assertions serve as a primary way for the readers to consider and
possibly agree with the claims presentedbythewriterinan
Assertion is declarativesentences that give one's beliefsabout
somethingelseasifitistrue though it may not be.
Assertion is expressed as an argument. Usually, these
assertions contain languages that express evaluation such as
There are 4 Types of Assertion which are the Fact, Convention, Preference, and Opinion.
Fact is a statementthatcanbeprovenobjectively by direct experiences, testimonies of witnesses, verified observations, or the results of research.
Convention is a way in which something is donesimilartotraditions and norms. Its truthfulness can be verifiedonlybyreference to historicalprecedents, laws, rules, usage, and customs.
Conventions may soundfactualdue to their being derivedfromcustoms, but because they are socially accepted ways of doing things, they cannot be verified objectively by measurements.
Opinion is a statement basedonfactsbutisdifficulttoobjectivelyverify because of the uncertainty of producing satisfactory proofs of soundness.