States that living cells could only arise from pre-existing living cells.
He disproved the theory of spontaneous generation.
Louis Pasteur
-proposed the use of heat in killing microorganisms, which is now called the aseptic technique
-developed the vaccine against anthrax (1881) and rabies (1885).
-improved the wine-making processes by introducing the concept of “fermentation” and "pasteurization"
form of sterilization in the 19th century that uses moist heat for three consecutive days to eradicate vegetative cells and endospores.
He demonstrated that routine handwashing can prevent the spread of diseases.
Joseph Lister
-He introduced the system of antiseptic surgery.
-Pioneered the use of PHENOL
Germ Theory of Disease
based on the concept that microorganisms can cause diseases.
Robert Koch
Pioneered Germ Theory of Disease
Selman Waksman
-discovered the streptomycin and neomycin antibiotics
Alexander Fleming
-He accidentally discovered the antibiotic penicillin (Penicillium notatum).
-He discovered the lysozyme.
Paul Ehrlich
He discovered salvarsan (arsphenamine) for the treatment of syphilis.
Hans Christian Gram
Introduced the Gram Stain
Julius Richard Petri
Introduces the use of petri dish
Kary Mullis
Developed PCR
Based on the experiment of Cohn, what cellular structures are heat-resistant?
Genotypic Characteristics
Refers to the organism’s genetic makeup
Phenotypic Characteristics
It includes readily observable characteristics, such as the morphological features, H well u those traits that may require extensive analytical procedures.
population of species that share the same biochemical properties
serovar having similar antigens
An altered or a variant microorganism within the same species
Carl Von Linné
established the fundamental rules in binomial system or taxonomy
Do not contain true Nucleus, also do not contain organelles
Cell envelope
Outermost structure of the bacterial cell
Cell wall
-It serves as a point of anchorage for flagella
-Itdetermines the staining characteristics of a species
Peptidoglycan layer or Murein layer
Cell wall is also referred to as
Gram-positive cell wall consists of glycan chains of alternating
Does not contain Teichoic acid
Does Gram-negative cell wall contain or does not contain Teichoic acid?
Lipid A
It is an endotoxin that is a major component of Lipopolysaccharide(LPS)
Gram-negative bacteria resistance to lysozyme disruption? (High or Low)
Mycolic Acid
Acid-fast cell wall contains a waxy layer of glycolipids and fatty acids called
Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma
Bacteria that does not have cell wall
Plasma membrane
-It is the deepest layer of the cell envelope
-Site of respiration and photosynthesis
-Consists of a single, circular chromosome
-It appears as a diffused nucleoid or chromatin body that is attached to a mesosome
-It is an extrachromosomal, double-stranded element of DNA that is associated with
-It serves as a site for the genes to encode for antibiotic resistance and toxin production.
Large Plasmid
-It is a kind of plasmid that is responsible for the production of B-lactamases that provide resistance to B-lactam antibiotics like penicillin and oxacillin
Small Plasmid
-It is a kind of plasmid that is resistant to tetracyclines and chloramphenicol
Calcium dipicolinate
Endospores are composed of
-It appears as a capsule or a slime layer.
-It helps the bacteria in attaching to the surface of tissues or solid objects