Cards (63)

  • Early pregnancy - pregnancy under the age of twenty.
    - happens when a teenager girl, with in the ages of 13-19, becomes pregnant.
  • True or false. Teen pregnancy may bring serious strain within the family. It may cause anxiety to both the pregnant teen and her parents of the cost of raising a baby, the teen’s health and well-being, and most importantly, her future. True
  • Unintended pregnancies - pregnancies that are unplanned, mistimed, or unwanted at the time of conception.
  • True or False. A girl cant get pregnant as soon as she undergoes puberty and even before she gets her first period or menarche. False
  • True or False. A girl can ovulate before having her first period. True
  • True or False. Getting pregnant is related to ovulation. True
  • What are the following things to do to avoid and prevent teenage pregnancy?
    Learn to say no, Do not give in to peer pressure, and Be aware of the risks of early pregnancy.
  • Sexual Harassment - Puberty marks the start of a child’s sexual development and early onset may result to a higher risk of sexual harassment.
  • Sexual harassment - any unwanted physical or verbal contact that is sexual or seems sexual.
  • What are the forms of sexual harassment?
    name-calling, unwanted touching, unwanted behavior, pressure from authority figures, and hassling
  • TRue or False. Sexual Harassment can happen even online through text messages, e-mail, and chat messages. True
  • True or False. Sexual activity among young people is becoming more common. Teenage pregnancy results to immediate changes in one’s life. Avoidance and prevention of this can help in solving this increasing global problem. True
  • Self-care - caring for your own body without medical or other professional consultation.
  • True or False. Staying healthy with proper hygiene, exercise, and a good diet are the keys for having a happy teenage life.
  • What are the ways to manage puberty-related health isssues and concerns?
    Proper diet, proper hygiene, oral care, and breast self-examination
  • True or False. Avoid taking a bath during your first day of menstruation. False
  • True or False. Brush your teeth once a day to prevent oral problems. False
  • True or false. Practice breast self-examination once a month. True
  • True or False. Drink plenty of water and avoid drinking sodas. True
  • True or False. Eat what you like as long as you eat three meals a day. False
  • True or False. Bathing regularly prevents body odor. True
  • True or False. Take antibiotics after circumcision to relieve pain. False
  • True or False. You will grow normally even if you are malnourished. False
  • True or False. Clean your circumcision wound with soap and water to prevent infection. True
  • True or False. Change your pads regularly during your period. True
  • Mercury - the symbol used by the transgender community. It is a crescent shape and a cross, which represents the male and female principles in harmony in an individual.
  • Sex - refers to the physical and biological differences between a man and a woman.
  • XX for female and XY for male
  • XX for female and XY for male
  • Gender - refers to the attitude, feelings, behavior, and cultural practices set and defined as masculine or feminine.
  • Gender Identity - This is your personal concept of yourself as a male, female, or transgender. It is usually formed as early as at the age of 3 and is more difficult to change after this age.
  • Transgender - it is the state of gender identity or gender expression that does not match the assigned sex at birth. This is independent of sexual orientation.
  • Gender roles - an outward expression of your gender identity. It determines how males and females should think, speak, dress, and interact within the context of society.
  • Androgyny - having both male and female characteristics and qualities.
  • What is also termed as unisex or genderless?
  • What are the factors affecting gender identity and gender roles?
    Family, social interactions, environment, and media.
  • Family - this is the strongest influence in your gender roles.
  • Social interactions - the learned attitudes and behaviors are reinforced by your peers, school interactions, and media.
  • Environment - its influences include the cultural expectations for male and female. It can be seen as early as birth when parents dress boys in blue or green and girls in pink or red. All these things will be followed by toys and even hairstyles.
  • Media - roles portrayed in television, radio, and movies by males and females are given considerable attention. They often show the traditional roles for males and females.