Pe Exam

Cards (85)

  • 3 Mental FIP
    Motivation, Concentration, Decicion making
  • 3 Emotional FIP
    Anger, Fear, Trust
  • 3 Social FIP
    Communication, Relationships, Role/Repsponsibility for performance
  • 3 Physical FIP

    Power, Speed, Stamina
  • 2 mental data collection methods
    Mental toughness questionnaire, SCAT
  • 2 emotional data collection methods
    POMS, Emotional control record
  • 2 social data collection methods
    Coach feedback, Team talk/Feedback, Ettiquette checklist
  • 2 physical data collection methods
    General observation schedule, Scatter diagram
  • 2 mental & emotional developmental approaches

    Visualisation, Positive self talk
  • 2 social developmental approaches
    Team building games, team talks
  • 3 physical developmental approaches
    Repetition drills, conditioned games, shadow practice
  • Description of Shadow practice: physical developmental approach
    Used at cognitive stage

    Carried out when learning basic movements of skill. Performer uses no, or minimal equipment to master each 'sub routine' or part of skill before putting back together under pressure.
  • Description of Repetition drill: physical developmental approach
    Used at associative stage.

    Repeating action of skill or technique over and over to learn skill by muscle memory. As skill is performed more and more our muscles become used to timing and co-ordination required to perform skill with fluency.
  • Description of Conditioned game: physical developmental approach
    Used at autonomous stage.

    Specific rule or adaptation placed on game to create certain environment/conditions for improvement. Eg 2 points for smash (weakest shot) to increase use of it.
  • Description of team building game: social developmental approach
    Mini games/challenges which force socialising with others. Require performers to talk to one another, work as team, negotiate roles and solve problems.

    Often out with usual sporting activity.

    Eg- hospital badminton, lily pad game, card clock
  • Description of team talk game: social developmental approach
    Used before, during and after performance. Shirt convos involving while team, led by caption or leader. Usually begin by giving praise/highlighting positives, followed by next steps. Provide clarity first team in how to work well together.
  • Description of positive self talk: mental & emotional developmental approach

    Talking done in your own head to yourself, about yourself and the things that happen to you. Your self talk can be an internal coach, encouraging you, boosting your confidence, believing in you and motivating you to achieve your goals.
  • 2 MESP recording, monitoring and evaluation methods
    Training diary, feedback.
  • Why should a performer collect information about their performance
    Identify strengths and weaknesses, monitor progress, set goals, permanent record
  • What is quantative data (objective)

    Data collected that is numerical. Usually a number, distance or time.
  • What is qualitative data & identify one
    (subjective, analytical tool)

    Data collected based off thoughts and opinions.
    Eg PPW
  • What are recognised tests
    Tests with set rules and procedures,
    Tests with score given,
    Test where score/result can be compared to NORMS.
    Eg- SCAT, Mental toughness questionnaire
  • What is subjective data

    Influenced by someone's opinion ans subject to own interpretation
  • What is objective data

    Info gathered in controlled manner. Unbiased and involves protocols that need to be strictly followed.
  • What does RAMP-V stand for and mean
    Reliable (method collects data in accurate & trustworthy way)

    Appropriate (method collects information on specific factor/sub factor in focus)

    Measurable (results from method can be kept as permanent record to refer to in future)

    Practical (method easy/quick to complete and analysis allows easy identification of positives or negatives)

    Valid (method collects information in way related to activity or role)
  • When to use RAMPV in answer
    When answering questions about appropriateness or suitability of data collection methods
  • What is a model performer
    The perfect way in which a skill or performance should be carried out. They can be a classmate, teacher/coach, or a professional.
  • Advantages of a model performer
    They allow you to create a picture in your mind of how a skill/performance should be carried out,

    They can be used to motivate you ,

    They allow you to identify your own strength and weaknesses by comparing your performance to theirs,

    Allow you to set realistic, but challenging goals/targets
  • Disadvantages of a model performer
    If a learner has limited knowledge of skill, it may lead to an inaccurate comparison,

    The performer might be too high-level for you. This may lead you to set unrealistic goals
  • What does STOVI stand for (feedback Qs)
    Source- who provides feedback and how?
    (Intrinsic: thoughts & feelings about performance.
    Extrinsic: verbal, written, visual, knowledge of results).

    Timing- how soon after performance is feedback provided?
    (Immediate: during performance.
    Terminal: after performance).

    Order- is it provided to the performer with good things before bad? Order feedback is given in impacts how well it's received/accepted.
    (Positive: things to keep doing.
    Negative: things to stop doing).

    Volume- how much feedback is provided?
    How many points to feedback are given.
    (Enough to action, but not too much so that it becomes overwhelming).

    Information- is the feedback, objective/subjective,and is it only information or strategies?
    (Objective- open to interpretation.
    Subjective- factual.
    Information- pervades just information on positive/negatives.
    Strategies - provides detail of how to improve).
  • Order of stages of learning
    Cognitive, Associative, Autonomous
    (Beginner, Intermediate, Expert)
    Progress through time and deliberate practice.
  • Cognitive description
    Means thinking,
    Learning skill (creating schema),
    Lots of mistakes,
    Requires simple, external feedback,
    Requires closed environments to learn and practice
  • Associative
    Means connecting things,
    Fewer mistakes (as schema builds),
    Requires encouragement (external feedback and start to develop internal feedback),
    Introduced to open environment but requires feedback.
  • Autonomous
    Means automatic, no thinking,
    Less mistakes,
    Attention turns to tactics instead of practicing skill,
    Can be effective in open environments
  • Key difference between 3 stages of learning
    Frequency of mistakes (lots at beginning but then less),
    Ability to fix mistakes (internal: feel and sight becoming self reliant or external feedback: coach, team, video analysis)
    Ability to perform skill in different environments (closed: for beginners, nothing or none impacting ability of game or open: game related, external factors can affect performance of skill).
  • What does SMART acronym stand for
    Specific (to developer needs/performance demands/training priorities)


    Achievable (for performer so it's not too easy or difficult for their stage of learning)

    Recorded (format that allows for accurate monitoring- written down)

    Time-bound (clear point set for targets to be achieved)
  • Benefits of goal setting
    Creates focus for training,

    increases motivation and determination,

    allows you to monitor progress to determine if it's working/needs progressed,

    Provide value feedback,

    Comparison of before and after,

    Monitor progress to see if it's not working/needs adapted
  • What does the acronym VP-SMARTER stand for
    Variety (include wide variety of different approaches in training program)

    Progression (make session continually more challenging, with appropriate INTENSITY )

    Specific (approach must consider the stage of learning, strengths/weaknesses, TRAINING PRIORITIES, ACTIVITY/ROLE DEMANDS of performer)

    Measurable (each session should have a goal in which meeting them can be clearly identified)

    Achievable (each of these short term goals should be achievable, one that you can meet in the session)

    Realistic (appropriate chosen should be as game-like as possible for your stage of learning)

    Time (this refers to total DURATION & FREQUENCY obsessions, and time working, versus resting) - good work:rest ratio.

    Exciting (session should be exciting and you should enjoy them and want to continue training)

    Recorded (all sessions should be recorded in a training diary noting what's planned for what's completed)
  • VP-SMARTER expanding other considerations
    Frequency - How often regular you train.

    Intensity - How hard you train

    Duration - How long your training sessions are

    Work: Rest Ration - How much time is spent work vs rest during the approaches used within a session

    Training Priorities - Addressing your main / urgent weaknesses, re-prioritising in response to monitoring / feedback
  • When to use VP-SMARTER
    The principles of effective practices are what we consider when creating sessions for developing physical skills and tactics as well the mental, emotional and social factor.