What does STOVI stand for (feedback Qs)
Source- who provides feedback and how?
(Intrinsic: thoughts & feelings about performance.
Extrinsic: verbal, written, visual, knowledge of results).
Timing- how soon after performance is feedback provided?
(Immediate: during performance.
Terminal: after performance).
Order- is it provided to the performer with good things before bad? Order feedback is given in impacts how well it's received/accepted.
(Positive: things to keep doing.
Negative: things to stop doing).
Volume- how much feedback is provided?
How many points to feedback are given.
(Enough to action, but not too much so that it becomes overwhelming).
Information- is the feedback, objective/subjective,and is it only information or strategies?
(Objective- open to interpretation.
Information- pervades just information on positive/negatives.
Strategies - provides detail of how to improve).