HONESTY- You should communicate your feelings openly, and expect the other person to do the same. Over time, this builds trust.
KINDNESS - You need to be considerate of others' feelings and other people need to be considerate of yoursNote that being kind does not necessarily mean being nice
RESPECT - It is the cornerstone of all healthy relationships
Relationship - is a state of connectedness between people (especially an emotional connection)
PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP - are relationships between people. especially those between friends, lovers and family members
LOVE - is a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personalities
COMMITMENT - is the act of binding yoursell (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action and a message that makes a pledge
ATTRACTION - is the act, power, or property of attracting
RESPONSIBILITY - is the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded bythat force
FAMILY - an essential component in any discussion of relationships, but this varie greatly from person to person
BUREAU OF CENSUS - defines family as "two or more persons who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption and who live together as one household.
FRIENDS - can be thought of as a close tie between two people that is often built upon mutual experiences, shared interests, proximity, and emotional bonding.
ROMANTIC PARTNERSHIPS - including marriage, are close relationships formed between two people that are built upen affection, trust, Intimacy, and romantic loveEnterYou sent