Codes, conventions, formats, symbols and narrative structures that indicate the meaning of media messages to an audience
Denotative meaning
The literal meaning of the media text
Connotative meaning
The various interpretations that the text suggests to the audience which are often associated with their culture, values, beliefs, etc.
Systems of signs that when put together create meaning
The study of signs
Types of codes
Symbolic codes
Written codes
Technical codes
Symbolic codes
Audience-based, the meaning of the product is not based on the product itself but on the interpretation of the audience
Symbolic codes in media
Mise en scene
The time and place of the narrative or a specific scene
Mise en scene
Everything within the frame, describing all the features (set design, costume, props, staging)
The portrayal of the actors in creating media products
Highly connotative when it comes to interpretations, usually associated with cultural aspects
Written codes
Use of language style and textual layout (headlines, captions, speech bubbles, language style, etc.)
Technical codes
Ways in which equipment is used to tell the story- this includes sound, camera angles, types of shots and lighting as well as camera techniques, framing, depth of field, lighting, exposure and juxtaposition
Camera shots
Extreme long shot
Long shot
Medium long shot
Full shot
Medium close shot
Close up shot
Extreme close up shot
Camera angles
Eye-level shot
High-angle shot
Low-angle shot
Aerial shot
The recognized ways of using media codes
Types of conventions
Form conventions
Story conventions
Genre conventions
Form conventions
Ways in which the types of media codes are expected to be arranged
Story conventions
The basic structures of narratives
Genre conventions
A significant element in delivering media texts, all media texts are made with a target audience in mind
People or organizations that share the same interests or intentions
Media producers
The people who initiate, plan, and produce media texts
A significant element in delivering media texts, all media texts are made with a target audience in mind