- (Bateson et al, 1972) also emphasised the role of communicationstyle within the family
- children who receive contradictory messages from their parents are more likely to develop schizophrenia
- this style of communication leaves them understanding that the world is confusing and dangerous (reflected in symptoms such as disorganised thinking and paranoid delusions)
- Bateson clearly stated that this was a risk factor and wasn't necessarily the main type of communication in the family
- the level of emotion, usually negative, that is expressed towards a person with schizophrenia by the carers (often family members)
- EE includes:
. verbalcriticism of the person, occasionally accompanied by violence)
. hostility towards the person, including anger and rejection
. emotional over-involvement in the life of the person, often including needless self-sacrifice
- high levels of EE are a source of stress which can trigger the onset of schizophrenia in people with genetic vulnerability and is often used to explain relapses
- metarepresentation is the cognitive ability to reflect on thoughts and behaviour
- this gives us insight into our own goals and intentions and allows us to interpret the actions of others
- dysfunction of our metarepresentation would disrupt our ability to recognise our own actions and thoughts as being carried out by ourselves rather than someoneelse
- this explains hallucinations and thoughtinsertions (the experience of having thoughts be projected into the mind by others)
- research investigating the family-schizophrenia link may be useful in showing that insecure attachment and experience of childhood trauma affect individual vulnerability to schizophrenia
- family linking family dysfunction is sociallysensitive because it can lead to parent-blaming (especially mothers)
- for parents having to watch their child experience the symptoms of schizophrenia and take responsibility for their care, to be blamed adds insult to injury
Cognitive Explanation: Research Support (Strength)
- there is evidence for dysfunctionalthoughtprocessing
- (Stirling et al, 2006) compared the performance on a range of cognitive tasks (e.g. the Strooptask) in 30 people with schizophrenia and a controlgroup of 30 people without
- as predicted by Frith et al's theory, the schizophrenia group took longer (on average 2x longer) to name the font colours
- meaning the cognitive processes of people with schizophrenia is impaired
- the cognitive explanation only explains the proximalorigins of symptoms (what is causing symptoms now) rather than a distalexplanation (what initially caused symptoms)
- possible distal explanations are genetic and family dysfunction explanations
- what is currently unclear and not well-addressed is how genetic variation or childhoodtrauma might lead to problems with metarepresentation or central control
- this means that cognitive theories on their own only provide partialexplanations for schizophrenia
- the cognitive approach provides an excellent explanation for the symptoms of schizophrenia
- there is therefore an argument for seeing schizophrenia primarily as a psychological condition
- it also appears that the abnormal cognition associated with schizophrenia is partly genetic in origin and the result of abnormal brain development (Thoulopulou et al, 2019)
- this suggests that schizophrenia is a biological condition