is a process that businesses go through to purchase all the products and services needed for their operations.
PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS the elements of your personality that limit or enhance the ways that you think.
MOTIVATION addresses the issue of why a consumer buys a product or what needs he is trying to satisfy.
PERCEPTION is the process by which people translate sensory impressions into a coherent and unified view of the world around them.
SELECTIVE ATTENTION because consumers are exposed to hundreds of commercial messages each day, they tend to pay attention to only those that address a current need.
SELECTIVE DISTORTION pertains to the tendency of individuals to twist or "distort" information to fit their existing mindset toward a brand.
SELECTIVE RETENTION means that consumers tend to remember only the positive things that reinforce their attitudes and beliefs.
LEARNING is a relatively lasting change in behavior that is the result of experience.
BELIEF is defined as confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof.
ORGANIZATIONAL MARKETS are all the individuals and companies who purchase goods and services for some use other than personal consumption.
INDUSTRIES: are business organizations that purchase goods and services for the purpose of producing other products and services or for use in their production and operating processes.
RESELLERS are entities that buy goods and services in order to resell them at a profit (most commonly distributors, wholesalers, and retailers).
GOVERNMENT comprise of agencies or government units at all levels that purchase goods and services for the purpose of producing public services or to transfer them to third parties that need them.
ORGANIZATIONAL BUYING DECISIONS the process by which organizations and businesses purchase goods, services, or raw materials to support their operations.
NEW TASK involves the purchase of products or services that the organization has never bought before, or has not purchased for a long period of time.
STRAIGHT REBUY pertain to purchases exactly organizational which have the same specifications as previously purchased.
this can be a rebuy with some change in specifications. This can also be a straight rebuy that was reclassified as a modified rebuy for one of following reasons
USERS usually initiate the organizational buying process after having identified a specific need in their department. Because they will be the ultimate user of the product, they usually indicate needed specifications for the supply requirement.
INFLUENCERS: are individuals within the organization that influence the purchase decision; their inputs are especially important in specification refinement and in alternative supplier evaluation.
DECIDERS are parties who are empowered to make the purchase decision with regards to product specifications or selection of suppliers.
APPROVERS are individuals in higher level management who oversee the purchase decisions of the deciders and buyers and who grant final approval on the purchase.
BUYERS are responsible for the actual purchase; other than making the actual purchase, buyers may be allowed to negotiate payment and/or credit terms, delivery arrangements, and in some cases, even supplier selection.
GATEKEEPERS are individuals whose positions allow them to screen and/or prevent representatives and vital supplier product/service information from reaching participants who perform roles in the organizational buying decision; in some instances, they may actually implicitly favor one supplier over another.
ORGANIZATIONAL SIZE can be determined through different ways: by amount of capitalization, by number of employees and by annual sales revenues (less than P100 million, P100 million to P500 million, above P500 million), among others.
NEED DESCRIPTION In this stage, it involves determination of the characteristic and the quantity of the needed item.