Both the external ear and the tympanic membrane can be assessed by direct inspection, using a?
The middle ear cannot be directly ___
The external ear is composed of ___, ___, and ___
auricle, pinna, external auditory canal
it is the portion of the external ear visible without any tools
auricle or pinna
It is composed of a thin plate of yellow elastic cartilage covered by tight fitting skin and is shaped with hallows, furrows and ridges that form a irregular funnel to conduct sound waves into the external auditory canal
auricle or pinna
the external auditory canal is ___ shaped in adults
S shape
It secretes cerumen
Modified sweat glands or apocrine glands
a wax like substance that keeps the tympanic membrane soft and has bacteriostatic properties and its sticky in consistency serve as a defense against foreign bodies.
the middle ear is also known as the?
Tympanic cavity
is a small air filled chamber in the temporal lobe
middle ear/ tympanic cavity
tympanic membrane aka?
ear drum
has a translucent pearly gray appearance and serves as a partition stretched across the inner end of the auditory canal. Is a concave located at the end of the auditory canal.
Tympanic membrane
base of the malleus serving as a center point landmark
the reflection of the otoscope light seen as a cone
cone of light
The top portion of the membrane that appears to be less taut
Pars flaccida
The bottom portion of the membrane that appears to be taut
Pars tensa
the middle ear consist of three auditory ossicles
The malleus, incus, stapes
These tiny bones are responsible for transmitting sound waves from the eardrum to the inner ear
Auditory ossicles
air pressure is equalized on both sides of the tympanic membrane by means of? which connect the middle ear to the nasopharynx
Eustachian tube
The inner ear is aka
is a fluid filled made up of the bony labyrinth and an inner membranous labyrinth
inner ear
The bony labyrinth has three parts
vestibule, cochlea, semicircular canals
The inner cochlear duct contains the spiral organ ___ which is the sensory organ of hearing
The transmission of sound waves through the external and middle ear is referred to as
Conductive hearing
the transmission of sound waves in the inner ear is referred to as
perceptive or sensorineural hearing
a conductive hearing loss would be related to a dysfunction of the
External or middle ear
a sensorineural loss would be related to dysfunction of the
inner ear
a small prominence on the auricle of the ear
Darwin tubercle
Earwax was produced by
apocrine gland
is a flashlight type viewer used to visualize the eardrum and external ear
Inspect the auricle, tragus, and lobule
Note size shape and position
Inspect the auricle, tragus, lobule normal findings:
ears are equal on size bilaterally, (4-10cm)
Inspect the aurcle, tragus, lobule abnormal findings;
ear are less than 4cm and more than 10cm
Malaligned or low set of ears indicate?
Genitourinary disorder/ Trisonomy 21 or down syndrome
congenital deformity in which the external ear and sometimes the ear canal are not fully developed
is a congenital excessive enlargement of the external ear
Redness, swelling, scaling, itching ng external ear