Cards (9)

  • who wrote london?
    william blake
  • what type of poet was william blake?
    romatic - glorified nature
  • blake disliked monarchies - he also lost faith in the church due to the lack of help they provided
  • the poem is about..?
    the industrial revolution in london
  • blake wanted the people in london to do what..?
    wanted them to fight for their rights - like the french revo
  • iambic trentameter - order and control of oppression
  • cyclical structure - never ending suffering of poor.
  • dramatic monologue - first hand experience - real. speaking passion about it (controversial tone)
  • 4 quartrains - cycle of poverty. hoe it effects the general public.
    • repetitive nature of poverty
    • rigid + regular - london is the same everywhere you go
    • the breaks in consistent structure could be victorian people trying to break free.