In an integrated arts production, there are many aspects to consider. Production comes with different resources to make it possible. Proper handling of there resources will result in a successful production.
There are many different things to consider in putting up an art production. This may vary according to the resources, type, and other things.
Methods - will determine the standard procedure of a production. This is the step-by-step procedure of the production. This provides the structure or framework which will be its foundation. We also call it the production plan.
The method shall contain the following:
Objectives or goals - the end-result or the outcomes
of the production
Materials - the main concept and/or storyline
Procedures - the activities that need to be done
Manpower assignment - the person assigned for a particular activity
Target date of finish - the activity’s date of finish
Materials - refers to the artwork to be produced and presented to the audience such as the script, playwright, music, and choreography. A material must have a concept. A concept is the main idea, message, context, or story that needs to be conveyed.
Machine - are the materials, machines, or equipment to be used in the production. These may refers to the physical materials in a production design such as the stage, lighting, sound systems, or any technological medium.
Manpower - refers to the production team. Each will be assigned to specific activities in the plan.
Concept writers - create and write the storyline and/or script
Researchers - research to ensure a properly contextualized and well-informed production
Director - the head of the production; the one whose vision manifests the most in the production
Producers - produce machineries and manages the manpower
Choreographers - produce the act and the motions in the storyline to be executed by the artists
Performing artists - lead the roles in the storyline
Crew - the associates in the production
Production Planning
Production Planning
Basic Details of the Prodcution
An introduction
Planning and production go simultaneously. There is no production without any planning. Some contemporary artists do not study fine arts or any other formal studies about arts. Some artists seek inspirations from the people or environment where they live. To produce an art, it is important to conceptualize the art as to the message, emotions or story it purposely conveys to the audience. The process of production does not happen as fast as people imagine. The artist makes trials or revisions to produce the desire art.
Production Planning
An artistic prodcution demand not just the skills to make the art, but also a rigorous planning ability. This is called the production planning, and there many different parts and tasks involved before you can properly execute a production.
Basic Details of the Production
Type of Production
Title or Name of Production
Venue or Platform
Target Audience
Date of Implementation
Type of Production (Exhibit, Concert, Play, ETC)
When coming up with a type of production, consider the 4Ms. Ensure that your methods is fitting, your material can be best conveyed in the chosen type, your machineries are enough to execute the production, and that your manpower has the skill set required for the selected type.
Title or NameofProduction
Your production name has to be catchy, memorable, and unique. Remember, you want to compel an audience to view your artwork, and a generic title might not do the trick. Once your come up with a name, research about it first before making it final to ensure that it does not have negative associations and that is has not been overused in the past.
Venue or Platform
The venue refers to the physical space where you will execute the production. This can be a theatre, street corner, cafeteria, classroom, or similar places. When it is not necessary to execute your production in a physical place, then you still have to consider a platform. A platform can be social media sites for digital productions, radio shows, or other avenues which you can use so that your artwork reaches your target audience.
Target Audience
The target audience refers to the demographic group which your production primarily targets. Try to identify a specific target audience. For example, instead of saying you are targeting students as your viewers, identify their grade range and name of or type of school. Moreover, you also have to consider the audience’s quantity and capacity to ensure maximum participation or viewership.
Date of Implementation
Your implementation date must be realistic and must give you enough time for preparation. It is suggested that you come up with a calendar of activities, marking milestones in your production process, to ensure that you are on time and that the best quality is met. Remember, a good production takes time and the process will require patience and diligence.
Your resources refer to manpower, machineries, and financial considerations. For manpower, you have to make sure that the demand of the production fits the availability and capacity of the people involved. For machines, you have to confirm the availability of the necessary items such as lighting, design, props, and other things. If it is unavailable, then think of ways in which your team can still produce these machines.
refer to the goals you have for your production. Objectives have to be identified before starting the production process. These will define what your production has to achieve in order to be considered as successful. Objectives must be written in infinitives (to + verb) and it must be SMART or specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound.