Not given systemically: lacks specificity when given, DOA too short due to rapid hydrolysis
Addition of methyl group in the beta position makes it specific for muscarinic receptors and protects the ester bond from hydrolysis, making it more stable than acetylcholine
Previously used to diagnose bronchial asthma
Choline chloride carbamate:carbamate more stable than ester, has longer duration
Use: topical miotic for glaucoma
β-methylcholine chloride carbamate: more specific for M3 receptors, combined steric and electrostatic effects allow for longer duration of action
Use: treatment of urinary retention and stomach distention after surgery
Imidazole alkaloid, adopts conformation similar to muscarine which is similar to methacholine, agonist at M3 receptors
Use: miotic for glaucoma
Cholinesterase inhibitors
Prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine in the synapse, prolonging its effects
Two types: AChE inhibition causes indirect cholinergic agonist effect, Butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) has broader substrate specificity
Binding of cholinesterase inhibitors
Reactive groups: acetyl, carbamyl, phosphoryl groups
Bond strength determines usefulness and toxicity: carbamates have slower enzyme dissociation than acetyl groups (reversible), organophosphates have even slower dissociation (irreversible)
Indole alkaloid, carbamate group provides slow dissociation, doesn't necessarily have to fit in the active site, just needs to reach the binding regions and block the enzyme
Use: topical miotic, systemic antidote for atropine
Derivatized from physostigmine, has quaternary ammonium and carbamate group in meta position for better acetylcholinesterase inhibition
Use: treatment of myasthenia gravis, antidote to neuromuscular blocking agents
Further improvement on neostigmine structure, carbamate AChE inhibitor, one-fifth as toxic as neostigmine due to quaternary ammonium limiting CNS effects
Use: treatment of myasthenia gravis
Structure related to neostigmine but has no carbamate group, results in rapid onset and short duration of action
Use: specific antidote for curarepoisoning, diagnostic agent for myastheniagravis
Damages the synapses of the neurons in patients, resulting in a decrease in the number of receptors present
Chance to activate the little neurons still present in patients with curare-induced damage
Active in blocking the cholinergic effects at the nicotinic muscular receptor
Quaternary ammonium compounds
Unable to cross BBB, limited CNS toxicity unlike physostigmine due to the relative permanent positive charge
Further improvement in the structure of neostigmine, carbamate AChE inhibitor, used for treatment of myastheniagravis, one-fifth as toxic as neostigmine
Structure related to neostigmine, but has no carbamate group, resulting in rapid onset and short duration of action, used as a specific antidote for curarepoisoning and diagnostic agent for myasthenia gravis
Malathion, parathion
Organophosphate esters, irreversible inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase, permit toxic acetylcholine accumulation
A and X (not necessarily a halogen) must increase the electrophilic character of the phosphorus atom, the phosphorus atom must be highly electrophilic, increasing the electronegativity of phosphorus promotes a nucleophilic reaction, A is usually O or S but can be Se, R groups provide lipophilicity and dermal absorption
Sarin (warfare agent), malathion (insecticide, less toxic to humans), parathion (more toxic insecticide)
Activation of phosphorothioates
Malathion to malaoxon, parathion to paraoxon - sulfur group is replaced by oxygen, resulting in a higher electrophilic phosphorus atom, more capable of binding with the acetylcholinesterase enzyme
Cholinergic blockers
Bind to receptor but do not change its structure in a manner similar to agonists
Cholinergic blockers
Cationic nitrogen is critical for agonism, charge diffusion creates antagonist, ester group is needed for hydrogen bonding and may be absent, distance between nitrogen and ester group is still important, addition of a cyclic aromatic group promotes binding to cholinergic receptors
Tropane alkaloid, competitive muscarinic blocker, used as mydriatic, to decrease secretions prior to surgery, and as an antispasmodic, can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause CNS toxicity
Tropane alkaloid, acts as a CNSdepressant (vs CNS stimulant atropine), used for prevention of motionsickness, can induce twilight sleep
Quaternary ammonium derivative of atropine, permanently ionized and cannot cross the blood-brain barrier, used for inhalation in acute asthma and COPD
Synthetic cholinergic blockers
Modifications to the tropane ring and tropic side to produce specific blockade of antispasmodic, antisecretory, and mydriatic effects, quaternization increases potency and may introduce ganglionic blockade
Cyclopentolate, tropicamide
Aminoalcohol ester and aminoamide respectively, used as mydriatics
Aminoalcohol ester, tropane ring modification specific for M1 and M3 muscarinic receptors (gastric and secretory), tropic acid modification reduces neurotropic effects, used as a GI antispasmodic
Aminoalcohol with a tertiary ammonium group to allow blood-brain barrier crossing, used as an anticholinergic agent for Parkinson'sdisease
Neuromuscular blocking agents
Act at the neuromuscular junction, where there is no membranesheath, allowing quaternary ammonium compounds to easily reach the nicotinic receptors