People, departments, units and groups within an organization served by what we do
External customers
End users of the organization's product or services, e.g. depositors, borrowers, investors
Why customer satisfaction is important
Customer is the boss of the market
Customer dictates market trends and direction
The organization is dependent on the customer and not the other way round
Customer satisfaction means loyaltytowardstheorganization
Satisfied customers will help in bringing new customers by wordofmouth
Factors affecting customer satisfaction
Basicneeds (dissatisfiers)
A service that the customer takes for granted and expects to be present. Absence leads to dissatisfaction, but presence does not lead to satisfaction.
Performance needs (satisfiers)
A need or want of the customer which they specifically ask for. Better performance leads to more customer satisfaction. These become benchmarks in the competitive market.
ExcitementNeeds (Delighters)
An unspoken or unexpected requirement of a customer that leads to very high level of satisfaction or customer delight. Absence of delighters does not result in customer dissatisfaction while its presence will enhance customer satisfaction.
A 5 % increase in loyalty can increase profits by 25% to 85 %
Only 4 % of unsatisfied customers will complain
An unhappy customer tells 9 other people
A happycustomer tells about 5 other people
Customer Satisfaction Process
1. Understanding customer expectations
2. Promises to customers
3. Execution
4. Ongoingdialog with a customer
5. Customer satisfaction surveys
Customer satisfaction should lead to customer loyalty and customer retention. This is the real test and bottom line- when the customer repeatedly comes back to you for repeat orders and to purchase new products manufactured by you. (In spite of stiff competition and multiple Suppliers/Sources!)
Customer Feedback
Must be continually done and monitored. It enables an organization to: Discover customer's dissatisfaction, Discover relative priorities of quality, Identify customer need opportunities for improvement, Determine
Discover relative priorities of quality opportunities for improvement
Customer feedback
Employee feedback
Toll free numbers
Defined as excellence in the product or service that fullfil or exceeds the expectations of the customer