Cards (34)

  • Meconium
    Newborn First Stool or Poop
  • Infant with MAS syndrome
    • Condition usually improved within 3 days
  • Epiglottitis pathogen

    Haemophilus Influenza
  • Croup pathogen
    Parainfluenza Virus
  • Neonatal pneumonia pathogen
    Group B Streptoccocus
  • Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
    Condition where newborn infants develop secondary lung injury after prolonged exposure PPV and high oxygen saturation
  • Vocal cord paralysis nerve
    Left Vagus Nerve
  • NRDS
    Hyaline Membrane Disease
  • Transient tachypnea of the newborn

    Also called as type II RDS
  • Silverman Andersen Retraction Scoring/Score
    Scoring assessment if severity of RDS
  • Chest X-ray of neonatal patient with RDS
    Reticulogranular/ Ground glass appearance
  • Bronchiokitis pathogen
    Respiratory Syncytial Virus
  • When the infant has MSAF, it also have MAS
  • Old BPD
    Type of BPD that is characterized by structural injury to lung tissue as a result of Oxygen pressure
  • Status Asthmaticus
    Patient who continues to have asthma after initial therapy
  • Perinatally acquired pneumonia
    A kind of pneumonia that is transmitted from mother by bacteria ascending from the rectum or GI tract
  • Modified cotton myer grading
    Grading scale that used in scoring patient's subglottic stenosis
  • Pulmonary Interstitial Emphysema (PIE)

    Complication of mechnical ventilation in RDS
  • Bilateral vocal cord paralysis

    Resulted from CNS disease
  • Unilateral vocal cord paralysis
    Complication of cardiovascular or tracheobronchial procedure
  • Spasmodic croup
    A type of croup that begins in infancy and reoccurs frequently, cause is idiopathic
  • Epiglottitis lateral chest x-ray
    Thumb sign
  • Croup lateral chest x-ray
    Steeple sign
  • Bronchiolitis
    Most common lower respiratory tract infection in infants <2 yrs
  • Ball Valve Effect
    Partial obstruction that cause air trapping and hyperdistention of the alveoli on MAS
  • 4 D's of epiglottitis
    • Dysphonia
    • Dysphagia
    • Dyspnea
    • Drooling
  • RDS severity score of 8
    Interpretation of impending respiratory failure
  • Laryngomalacia
    Stridor is worse when the infant cries or lies supine but ceases when infant is quiet
  • LaPlace's Law
    Relationship between the pressure difference accross the interface of two static fluids to the stage of the surface
  • Subglottic stenosis diagnosis
    Laryngoscopy when the child is recovered from infection
  • Bacterial Tracheitis
    Bacterial infection of the larynx and the trachea that is mostly caused by S. aureus
  • Syndromes characterized by micrognathia or retrognathia
    • Pierre Robin
    • Treacher Collins Syndrome
    • Hallermann-Streiff
    • Goldenhar Syndromes
  • Laryngomalacia
    Omega-shaped epiglottis
  • Hagen-Poiseuile Law