Personal development

Cards (35)

  • Brian Tracy: successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others; while unsuccessful people are always asking the question "what is it for me?"
  • Early adolescence - 12-14yrs old
  • Middle adolescence: 15-17yrs old
  • Late adolescence: 18-20yrs old
  • Attitude: Combination of feelings, beliefs, and evaluation
  • Behavior: action or reactions of an object or organism
  • Attitude predicts behavior
    1. Group Belongingness: a sense of belonging is a human need, just like the need for food and shelter
  • 2. Health Nutrition: nutrition is the intake of food, considered in relation to the body's dietary needs. Good nutrition, an adequate, well balanced diet combined with regular physical activity; its the cornerstone of good health
  • 3. Developing/Regaining Self-Esteem: the act of gaining control and not being critical of you to others
  • 4. Roles: part of one's identity w/c specify activities or obligations for w/c they are held accountable when they assume or are assigned to
  • 5. Material Poverty: scarcity or the lack of a certain (variant) amount or material possession or money. Absolute poverty
  • 6. Parents working abroad: immigration of parents, making them long for parental care, get confused over gender roles, be vulnerable to abuse, and even develop consumerist attitude
  • 7. Career Choice: it determines success in the next stage of life
  • 8.1. Values: are stable long lasting belief about what is important to a person. They become the standard by w/c people order their lives and make their choices.
  • 8.2. Belief: a belief will develop into a value when person's commitment to it grows and they see it as being important.
  • 9. Depression: a mental condition characterized by feeling of severe despondency and detection, typically also w/ feelings of inadequacy
  • 10. Self Identify: recognition of one's potential and qualities as an individual, especially in relation to social context
  • 11. Defining responsibilities: means the state or fact of being responsible, answerable, for something within one's power l, control management.
  • 12. Time Management: ability to use one's time effectively or productively.
  • STRESS: The reaction of the mind of body to stimulus that course tension on the well-being and disturbs the state of calm or equilibrium of a person.
  • Stimulus: changes from environment that brings response
  • BENEFICIAL STRESS: the stress that can be beneficial and helpful to individuals when a small and sporadic amount of stress occurs. — it brings out the best of us
  • DESTRUCTIVE STRESS: The stress that can be destructive to both physical and mental head when excessive stress sustained over lengthy period. — hinders us to our wants
  • STRESS as STIMULUS: caused by situations (w/c often called stressors) that may be life threatening of life changing
  • STRESS as RESPONSE: the way the body reacts of challenging situations.
  • STRESS as RELATIONAL: assessment here means that when a person allows reasoning to prevail and weigh the relevance or irrelevance situation.
  • The Healthy Stress: it can motivate, energize, and produce fruitful actions
  • 2 types of stressor: external stressor and internal stressor
  • EXTERNAL STRESSOR: comes from outside of you like certain situation & people
  • INTERNAL STRESSOR: coming from within your thoughts that caused you to fell fearful about the future & personal beliefs
  • Sexual Relationship: Intimate relationship and Physical intimacy.
    Humans have general desire to belong and to love, which is usually satisfied within an intimate relationship
  • Intimate Relationship: an interpersonal relationship that involves physical and emotional intimacy
  • Physical intimacy: characterized by friendship, platonic love, romantic love, and sexual activities.
  • Academic Concern: school related concerns, in particular, were positively associated with academic arising from other- expectations, which were found in female adolescents only. However, it is plausible that adolescents who are academically stressed are also more likely to display personal concerns