Cards (9)

  • 7th Commandment: “You shall not
  • 10th Commandment: “You shall not
    covet your neighbor’s goods!”
  • Theft from above - Those with power/influence stealing from those without it
  • Theft from below - Those without power/influence stealing from who have it
  • 8TH COMMANDMENT: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
  • Lying can be:
    1. Direct violation
    2. Gossping/Backbiting
    3. Name-calling/teasing
    4. Negative values from media
    5. Individual lies
  • Direct violations of lying can be:
    • Perjury (lying under oath)
    • Slander & calumny (lying to ruin someones reputation)
    • Detraction (speaking truth when unnecessary)
  • Some media has been a source of negative values e.g. pornography, violence,
    materialism, commercialism, etc.
  • Medias that are a source of negative values are obligated to present the truth