Unit 1 - Creation

Cards (37)

  • What does Genesis teach about the nature of God?
    1. God is Creator
    2. God is Omnipotent
    3. God is Transcendent
    4. God is Benevolent
  • Quote for God as the Creator from Genesis 1
    “In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth“
  • What does transcendent mean?
    The idea that God is beyond and outside life on earth and the universe
  • What does omnipotent mean?
  • How does Genesis 1 show that God is omnipotent?
    He created the universe from ex nihilo (nothing)
  • Quote for God as Omnipotent Genesis 1
    “Then God said, ‘Let there be light‘; and there was light”
  • What does God being transcendent mean for humans?
    It is impossible for humans to fully comprehend who God is.
  • Quote for God being transcendent Genesis 1
    “In the beginning“
  • Explain 2 ways in which Genesis shows God is omnipotent. Refer to a source. (5 marks)
    1. Through just God‘s word, he was able to create reality. This means whatever God says turns into reality. Source: “God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light”
    2. He created the universe from ex nihilo. This means He create things out of nothing.
  • Quote for God being benevolent Genesis 1
    “Saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good”
  • What does Genesis say about humans
    1. Made in the Image of God
    2. Humans are sacred
    3. Humans are free (freewill)
    4. Humans are stewards of creation
  • What does imago dei mean?
    Image of God
  • Quote for humans being made in Imago dei
    “God created mankind in his own image” Genesis 1:27
  • What is Genesis 1:27?
    “God created mankind in his own image”
  • How are Humans sacred?
    • Only humans are made in imago dei, only humans are given the breath of God
    • Humans are the pinnacle of creation -> treated differently to animals
  • What does Humans are free mean?
    As humans share certain characteristics with God, they can freely make moral choices and decisions
  • Quotes for Humans are free
    “You are free to eat from any tree in the Garden” Genesis 2:16
  • What does Genesis 2:16 show?
    Adam had the choice (freewill), to choose whether to eat or not eat the fruit
  • Quote for Humans are Stewards
    God tell the humans to “fill the earth and subdue it” Genesis 1:28
  • What does Stewards of Creation mean?
    It’s the duty to look after the environment on the behalf of God
  • Arguments for why Humans being made in imago dei is the most important teaching of Genesis
    • We are the only creatures made in imago dei -> shows importance of humanity + humans share qualities with God
    • God blessed man and woman after he created them -> since we are made in Gods image we have a special relationship with God
    • Quotes: “God created humankind in his own image” Gen 1:27 and “God blessed them” Gen 1:28
  • Main difference between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2
    Genesis 1 -> Portrays a transcendent, powerful creator
    Genesis 2 -> Portrays a personal, anthropomorphic creator
  • What does the word ‘Bible’ mean?
  • How many sections is the Bible split into?
  • What are the 2 sections the Bible is split into
    The Old and New Testament
  • What are the 4 sections of the Old Testament?
    1. Law
    2. History
    3. Prophets
    4. Wisdom
  • What are the 4 sections of the New Testament?
    1. Gospels
    2. The Acts of the Apostles
    3. The Epistles
    4. The Book of Revelation
  • Name 2 books in the Bible. (2 marks)
    The Book of Revelations and the Book Of Isaiah
  • What does the Catechism say the Bible is
    “The words of God expressed in the words of men”
  • What does the Church believe happened to the writers of the Bible?
    They were inspired by God, as God sends his spirit to guide people
  • Quote for every teaching being the word of God
    “All scripture is God-breathed” Timothy 3
  • What does the Church teach Catholics about the interpretation of Genesis?
    • The creation accounts are myths, poems about God and human beings
    • They reveal theological truths, not scientific truths
  • What is a different way of interpreting Genesis
    Fundamentalists -> take the story literally
  • What does Pope Francis say about science and religion?
    “The big bang does not contradict the divine act of creating, but rather requires it.”
  • What is Natural Law?
    The idea that all humans have an instinctive understanding of right and wrong
  • What is the basic Natural Law?
    ‘Do good and avoid evil’
  • Why do humans have an instinctive knowledge of what is good and bad?

    Each person has been made by God and in his image.