“In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth“
What does transcendent mean?
The idea that God is beyond and outside life on earth and the universe
What does omnipotent mean?
How does Genesis 1 show that God is omnipotent?
He created the universe from ex nihilo (nothing)
Quote for God as Omnipotent Genesis 1
“Then God said, ‘Let there be light‘; and there was light”
What does God being transcendent mean for humans?
It is impossible for humans to fully comprehend who God is.
Quote for God being transcendent Genesis 1
“In the beginning“
Explain 2 ways in which Genesis shows God is omnipotent. Refer to a source. (5 marks)
Through just God‘s word, he was able to create reality. This means whatever God says turns into reality. Source: “God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light”
He created the universe from ex nihilo. This means He create things out of nothing.
Quote for God being benevolent Genesis 1
“Saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good”
What does Genesis say about humans
Made in the Image of God
Humans are sacred
Humans are free (freewill)
Humans are stewards of creation
What does imago dei mean?
Image of God
Quote for humans being made in Imago dei
“God created mankind in his own image” Genesis 1:27
What is Genesis 1:27?
“God created mankind in his own image”
How are Humans sacred?
Only humans are made in imago dei, only humans are given the breath of God
Humans are the pinnacle of creation -> treated differently to animals
What does Humans are free mean?
As humans share certain characteristics with God, they can freely make moral choices and decisions
Quotes for Humans are free
“You are free to eat from any tree in the Garden” Genesis 2:16
What does Genesis 2:16 show?
Adam had the choice (freewill), to choose whether to eat or not eat the fruit
Quote for Humans are Stewards
God tell the humans to “fill the earth and subdue it” Genesis 1:28
What does Stewards of Creation mean?
It’s the duty to look after the environment on the behalf of God
Arguments for why Humans being made in imago dei is the most important teaching of Genesis
We are the only creatures made in imago dei -> shows importance of humanity + humans share qualities with God
God blessed man and woman after he created them -> since we are made in Gods image we have a special relationship with God
Quotes: “God created humankind in his own image” Gen 1:27 and “God blessed them” Gen 1:28
Main difference between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2
Genesis 1 -> Portrays a transcendent, powerful creator
Genesis 2 -> Portrays a personal, anthropomorphic creator
What does the word ‘Bible’ mean?
How many sections is the Bible split into?
What are the 2 sections the Bible is split into
The Old and New Testament
What are the 4 sections of the Old Testament?
What are the 4 sections of the New Testament?
The Acts of the Apostles
The Epistles
The Book of Revelation
Name 2 books in the Bible. (2 marks)
The Book of Revelations and the Book Of Isaiah
What does the Catechism say the Bible is
“The words of God expressed in the words of men”
What does the Church believe happened to the writers of the Bible?
They were inspired by God, as God sends his spirit to guide people
Quote for every teaching being the word of God
“All scripture is God-breathed” Timothy 3
What does the Church teach Catholics about the interpretation of Genesis?
The creation accounts are myths, poems about God and human beings
They reveal theological truths, not scientific truths
What is a different way of interpreting Genesis
Fundamentalists -> take the story literally
What does Pope Francis say about science and religion?
“The big bang does not contradict the divine act of creating, but rather requires it.”
What is Natural Law?
The idea that all humans have an instinctive understanding of right and wrong
What is the basic Natural Law?
‘Do good and avoid evil’
Why do humans have an instinctive knowledge of what is good and bad?
Each person has been made by God and in his image.