Topics D

Cards (14)

  • What is a fitness programme?
    An organised plan to help improve performer's fitness
  • What do fitness programmes do?
    Help performer achieve their aims and goals for their sport
  • What do you need to collect to create a fitness programme?
    Personal information using a questionnaire like PAR-Q
  • What do performers need to do a fitness programme?
    Motivation: need a positive attitude to achieve success, the fitness programme needs to be motivating (using activities they enjoy and the performer is able to feel progress)
  • What are the steps to design an effective fitness programme?
    -collect personal information and discuss aim
    -carry out fitness tests and get baseline data
    -identify components of fitness that need improving or maintaining
    -select appropriate training methods and apply principles of training
  • What is the definition of motivation?
    The internal mechanisms and external stimuli that direct behaviour (make you want to do something)
  • What are the 2 types of motivation?
    Intrinsic and extrinsic
  • What is intrinsic motivation?
    Motivation caused from internal factors (enjoyment and pride)
  • What is extrinsic motivation?
    Motivation caused by rewards (trophies and money, or praise from a coach)
  • How does motivation benefit the sports performers in different ways?
    -increased participation
    -improved performance
    -maintained training and intensity
    -increased fitness
  • What is the acronym for setting goals?
  • What does SMARTER stand for?
    S - specific (exactly what you want to achieve)
    M - measurable (see how much progress you've made)
    A - achievable (correct level of difficulty)
    R - realistic (is there enough time, money or facilities)
    T - time-related (set a deadline)
    E - exciting (is it enjoyable)
    R - recordable (achievements should be written down)
  • What are the 2 types of goal setting?
    Short-term and long-term
  • What does goal setting do?
    Sets targets for you to reach so you improve:
    -gives you something to work towards
    -helps to maintain focus and monitor progress
    -boosts confidence when you reach goal