Assess whether the jobtargets are achieved and evaluate the effectiveness of work
Facilities and equipment management
Have a clearconcept of the objectives that determine the appropriateuse of the particular facilities. Facilities should be scheduled for use in accordance with an established priority system to avoid conflict or misunderstanding.
Keep a detailed and updated inventory to ensure the availability of optimalquantity of facilities and equipment for use
Repair and maintain facilities and equipment regularly but to minimiseinterruptions of use
Consider both quality and costs when purchasing service / equipment and comparequotations from differentsuppliers
It should be self-explanatory, easytofollow and with detailedinformation
It should be cost-effective. The amount should reflect the significance of the proposed items
Collect information such as previousfinancialreports of the same or similar activities, the facilities and equipment currently available, the views of stakeholders, etc for reference; and make a realisticestimation
Funding considerations
Expenditure on insurance
Contingency for unforeseeable factors
Incomeestimates such as revenues, subsidy, sponsorship, etc
Train staffregularly to enhance their performance
Clearly define duties and responsibilities to minimiseduplication and confusion
Exercise appropriate authority over subordinates and earn their respect through making wisedecisions, setting goodexamples, providing encouragement and support
Flat management structure
Advantage: Messages can go up and down the flat structure quickly with little distortion
Disadvantage: There are fewer managers and each manager has to manage many subordinates, so it may overload the senior level staff
Tall management structure
Advantage: The top and junior level staff should pass their message through many levels, so many delays and distortion in communication would be easily found
Disadvantage: There are many managers in tall structure, each manager need to manage a fewsubordinates
Time factors
Set priority by categorisingtasks according to their urgency and importance
Schedule of the to-do list should not be tootight because over-working will reduceefficiency and may cause burnout
Schedule breaks and rests to maintainjobefficiency
Organisation of physical activities
Start preparatorywork early
Set up working groups to look after different work such as technicalsupport, publicity, firstaid, etc
Observe all relevant guidelines and recruit qualifiedjudges, officials, etc for the events
Prepare contingency plans to cater for unforeseen events
Liability insurance
Public liability
Employees' compensation
Group personal accident insurance
Negligent actions in court
Duty of care owed
Breach of duty of care
Actual or promixate causation for damage
Extent of damanges
Ensuring safety
Providing safefacilities and equipment
Setting appropriaterules; making them clear to the participants; and enforcing the rules
Assuring that the participants are suitable for the activities, in terms of physicalfitness, knowledge and skills