What are the steps to preparing the specimen before the investigation?
1) Thin slice of specimen.
2) Take a clean slide (clear glass/plastic) and use a pipette to put one drop of water or mountant (a clear, gloopy liquid) in the middle of it - this will secure the specimen in place.
3) Use tweezers to place your specimen on the slide.
4) Add a drop of strain if needed (if specimen is transparent/colourless) so that it can be seen easier . Different stains highlight different structures/tissues (eosin stains cytoplasm, methylane blue stains DNA).
5) Place a cover slip (square of thin transparent glass/plastic) at one end of the specimen, holding it at an angle with a mounted needle.
6) Lower the cover slip onto slide. Press down gently with needle so that there are no air bubbles trapped beneath it.