Cards (100)

  • Physical Self
    The aspect of the person that can be directly observed and examined, the body which is interfaced with the environment and other human beings
  • Life span
    1. Prenatal - fertilization to birth
    2. Infancy - birth to 2 weeks of life
    3. Babyhood - 2 weeks of life to 2 years old
    4. Early childhood - 2 to 6 years old
    5. Late childhood - 6 to 10 or 12 years old
    6. Puberty - 10 or 12 to 14 years old
    7. Adolescence - 14 to 18 years old
    8. Early adulthood - 18 to 40 years old
    9. Middle adulthood - 40 to 60 years old
    10. Late adulthood or senescence - 60 years old to death
  • Factors affecting physical growth and development
    • Heredity - the biological process of the inheritance of traits from parents to offspring
    • Environment - the factors an individual is exposed to throughout life, which includes learning and experiences (e.g. diet, nutrition)
  • Physical Development
    The changes and growth of the body
  • Physical Characteristics
    The defining traits or features of the body, including height, weight, shape, color, etc.
  • Build Characteristics
    • Medium build, athletic, fit, muscular, etc.
  • Height Characteristics

    • Short, tall, petite, average height
  • Complexion Characteristics
    • Dark, light, fair, rosy, olive, pale, bronzed, tan, moles, etc.
  • Hair Characteristics
    • Blonde, brown, black, white, long, puffy, short, curly, wavy, straight
  • Body Types
    • Ectomorph - long and lean, long-limbed and not particularly muscular, small frame and joints
    • Mesomorph - the shoulders are roughly the same width as the hips, naturally having more muscle mass and moderate levels of body fat
    • Endomorph - the shoulder is wider than the hips, tend to have curvy, fuller figures, stores both muscle and fat in the lower half of the body
  • Standards of beauty

    Products of a diverse mix of cultural and historical influences
  • Physical attractiveness
    Refers to a person's degree of physical beauty as defined by his or her culture
  • Body adornment
    The practice of enhancing the body through styling and decorating the hair and fingernails, painting the body, wearing jewelry and clothing
  • Body modification
    The physical alteration of the body through the use of surgery, tattoo, piercing, implants, and other practices
  • Physical beauty
    Outside beauty that can be seen
  • Nonphysical beauty
    Can't be measured, but it can certainly be felt. It emanates from within
  • Body Image
    How individuals perceive, think and feel about their body and physical appearance. Can be positive or negative
  • Perceptual Body Image
    The way you SEE your body
  • Affective Body Image

    The way you FEEL about your body
  • Cognitive Body Image
    The way you THINK about your body
  • Developing a positive body image
    1. Good self-esteem
    2. Positive attitude
    3. Emotional awareness and self-control
  • Sexual Self
    Part of the self where one learns to understand sexual development and how people's sexual activity, beliefs, and misconceptions can influence one's sexual behaviors and responses
  • Primary sexual characteristics
    The sexual and reproductive organs
  • Secondary sexual characteristics

    The features that appear during puberty which develops in response to hormonal signals from the pituitary glands
  • Puberty
    The period of in which rapid physical, mental, emotional, and psychological changes occur. Begins around 10-12 years old for females and 11-12 years old for males
  • Erogenous zones
    Areas of the body that have an unusually rich group of nerve receptors and are particularly sensitive
  • Sexual Identity

    A person's understanding of who they are sexually, including gender identity, sexual orientation and romantic orientation
  • Sex
    The biological characteristics determined at conception
  • Gender
    The characteristics that relate to the categories of male, female, or a term used to denote a range of identities
  • Attraction
    The positive feelings about another person, including liking, love, friendship, and admiration
  • Influences on attraction
    Physical Attractiveness - romantic attraction is primarily determined by physical attractiveness.
    Proximity - people are likely to become friends with people who are geographically close.
    Similarity - people tend to have partners who are similar to themselves in characteristics such as age, religion, social class, personality, etc.
    Reciprocity - people tend to like others who reciprocate their liking.
  • Intimacy
    Involves feelings of closeness, connectedness, and bondedness in relationships
  • Passion
    Drives that lead to physical attraction, romance
  • Decision/Commitment
    The desire to remain/stay with another person in the long-term relationship, involves feelings that lead a person to remain with someone and move toward shared goals
  • Sex
    The biological characteristics that define humans as female or male
  • Gender
    The characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed
  • Sexual orientation
    A person's enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction to one another
  • Gender identity
    Personal conception of oneself as male or female (or rarely, both or neither)
  • Gender expression
    How a person publicly expresses or presents their gender, including behavior and outward appearance such as dress, hair, make-up, body language and voice
  • Gender Identity Terms
    • Agender
    • Bigender
    • Cisgender
    • Transgender