
Cards (16)

  • Pleura
    The membrane that lines the inside of the chest cavity and covers the outside of the lungs
  • Parietal pleura
    • Lines the thoracic wall, thoracic surface of the diaphragm, lateral aspect of the mediastinum and undersurface of the suprapleural membrane at the thoracic outlet
  • Visceral pleura
    • Completely covers the outer surfaces of the lungs and extends into the depths of the interlobar fissures
  • Cuff of pleura
    Where the parietal and visceral pleura become continuous, found at the hilum of the lung
  • Pulmonary ligament
    Allows for movement of the pulmonary vessels and large bronchi during respiration
  • Pleural fluid
    A thin film of tissue fluid which covers the surfaces of the pleura, permits movement of the two layers with minimum friction
  • Trachea
    • Mobile cartilaginous and membranous tube, ends at the carina (level of the sternal angle), rises by one vertebral level on expiration and lowers as far as T6 on inspiration, length 4.5 in, diameter 1 in
  • Primary bronchi
    • Right principal bronchus is wider, shorter, more vertical, 1 in long. Left principal bronchus is narrower, longer, more horizontal, 2 in long.
  • Right lung

    • Has upper, middle, and lower lobes, with oblique and horizontal fissures
  • Left lung
    • Has upper and lower lobes, with an oblique fissure but no horizontal fissure
  • Bronchial tree
    1. Secondary bronchi (lobar)
    2. Tertiary bronchi (segmental)
    3. Bronchioles (< 1 mm, no cartilage, lined with columnar ciliated epithelium)
  • Abdominal type of respiration

    Seen in babies and young children, with nearly horizontal ribs
  • Thoracic type of respiration
    Seen after 2nd year of life, with more oblique ribs
  • Structures found at the root of the lung include the pulmonary vessels and large bronchi
  • The lungs have a blood supply, lymph drainage, and nerve supply
  • Respiration involves a mechanism and different types