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  • Structural Functionalism
    Perspective which describes the society as a social system that has a social structure of its own, made up of different parts which are interconnected which works together in harmony to achieve balance or social equilibrium
  • The society's social system is seen as analogous to the human system wherein all systems of the body should be working harmoniously in order to be a functional body
  • The social institutions are the pillars of the human society
  • Social Institutions
    • Government
    • Economy
    • Education
    • Religion
    • Family
  • Basic and most important element
    Social Institutions
  • Structuralism
    The term used that believes that it is a "must" the human should be part of a big structure
  • Corporations, factories, university systems, and even communities are groups too
  • Early Functionalists
    Anthropologists (i.e. Levi Strauss, Radcliff – Brown, Malinowski, and others)
  • Claude Levi-Strauss
    Widely regarded as the father of structural anthropology
  • Claude Levi-Strauss
    His work was heavily influenced by Emile Durkheim
  • Bronislaw Malinowski
    Biocultural Functionalism - He suggested that individuals have physiological needs (reproduction food and shelter)
  • A.R. Radcliffe Brown
    Focused on social structure rather than biological needs
  • Family
    • Provides a context for reproducing, nurturing, and socializing children
  • Education
    • Offers a way to transmit a society's skills, knowledge, and culture to its youth
  • Politics
    • Provides a means of governing members of society
  • Economics
    • Provides for the production, distribution, and consumption, of goods and services
  • Religion
    • Provides moral guidance and an outlet for worship of a higher power
  • Functional
    If social elements contribute to social stability
  • Dysfunctional
    If social elements disrupt social stability
  • Some aspects of society can be both functional and dysfunctional
  • Manifest Functions
    Consequences intended and commonly recognized
  • Latent Functions
    Consequences that are unintended and often hidden
  • Karl Heinrich Marx
    Philosopher, Political Economist, Historian, Sociologist, Founder of Communism
  • Karl Marx born
    May 5, 1818
  • Karl Marx died
    March 14, 1883
  • Friedrich Engels
    German social scientist, author, political theorist, philosopher, and father of Marxist theory together with Karl Marx
  • The Communist Manifesto
    One of the most influential political manuscripts, presents an analytical approach to the class struggle, the problems of capitalism and the capitalist mode of production
  • Das Kapital
    Capital: Critique of Political Economy, a critical analysis of political economy published in 1867 intended to reveal the economic laws of the capitalist mode of production
  • Marxism
    • Social Inequality
    • Class Conflict
  • Marxism is a perspective that the world is full of conflict
  • Marxism is the complete opposite of structural functionalism
  • Society is composed of different groups with their own interest to protect and each group is competing for power and resources
  • Marxism
    As a theoretical perspective, it focuses on class relations and social conflict that promotes social inequality in the human society
  • Social inequality
    Resources in a given society are distributed unequally, which socially define or divide people into categories
  • Economic inequality
    Unequal distribution of income or wealth, central in the writings of Marx
  • Historical dialectical materialism
    The basis of history is the existence of human beings, how human beings survive, means of subsistence
  • Historical dialectical materialism through eras
    • PRIMITIVE: Hunter and gatherer, simple tools, manpower, chief-leader, slaves-lower group, women and children-vulnerable groups
    • FEUDAL: Advanced tools, animal power/beasts of burden, feudal lords, nobility, the landed class-leaders, serfs, tenants-lower groups
    • INDUSTRIAL: Steam power, machine power, capitalist-leaders, proletariat-lower group
  • Communism
    According to Karl Marx, the final synthesis where the proletariats revolt against the capitalist in order to have this utopian (ideal) society
  • Communism
    Everyone has equal access to resources, resulting from a classless society with no more inequalities
  • 2 types of structural functionalism
    1. Social Facts
    2. Social Institutions