Physical features

Cards (13)

  • 1852 The piermasters, dock masters, assistants houses completed.
  • 1853-54 The west and east and east ends of south stack were extended with granite.
  • 1878 The pump house hydraulic pumping station was built - used to power cranes, hoists and lifts.
  • 1882 The majority of quayside cranes were converted to hydraulic use (water energy)
  • 1893 The Liverpool overhead railway opened - developed transport links.
  • 1899 georges dock was filled and became the Pier head and central dock office.
  • 1916 Electrical lighting fully installed throughout
  • 1939-45 3/4 piermasters houses destroyed as well as 14% warehouse floor space.
  • 1940 The customs house was destroyed and never rebuilt
  • 1957 Overhead railway demolished
  • 1960 clock tower demolished
  • 1973 southern dock gates left open and filled with silt
  • 1984 granada television studies added to Granada pavillion