Used to store data in programs, can be changed as the program runs
Has two parts - the data value and an identifier
Efficient program
Uses variables with sensible identifiers that immediately state their purpose in the program
Local variables
Declared within a specific subroutine, can only be used within that subroutine
Global variables
Can be used at any point within the whole program
Local variable advantages
Saves memory, easier to debug, can reuse subroutines in other programs
Global variable advantages
Variables can be used anywhere in the whole program, makes maintenance easier, can be used for constants
Data that does not change in value as the program is run, it is fixed and remains the same
Comparison operators
Used to compare two data values
Common comparison operators
Equal to
Not equal to
Greater than
Less than
Greater than or equal to
Less than or equal to
Arithmetic operators
Used to mathematically manipulate values
Common arithmetic operators
Add (+)
Subtract (-)
Multiply (*)
Divide (/)
Modulo division (%)
Integer division (//)
Exponentiation (^)
Logical operators
Typically use TRUE and FALSE values (Boolean)
An array is a static data structure that can hold a fixed number of data elements. Each data element must be of the same data type i.e. real, integer, string.
The number that indicates the position of a data element in an array. The first element in an array always has an index of 0.
Traversing an array
Use a for loop to display each data element in order
Inserting a value in an array
Change the value of elements that already exist (cannot insert new values)
Deleting a value in an array
Overwrite the element with a blank space (cannot delete values)
Searching an array
Use a for loop to search through each element for a specific value
Two-dimensional array
An array with multiple rows and columns, where the data must still be of the same data type
Printing a specific data element in a two-dimensional array
Use the index number for the row and column
Searching a two-dimensional array
Use two for loops, one for the rows and one for the values in each row
Can store data of different data types, each record is made up of information about one person or thing, each piece of information is called a field, records should have a key field that uniquely identifies each record
SQL (Structured Query Language)
A language used to search for data in a database, the format is:
SELECT field1, field2, field3...
FROM table
WHERE criteria
SQL uses wildcards, which are symbols used to substitute characters. The * symbol represents ALL fields.
Programs create and process data, which is stored in files that can be accessed, changed and shared
Data types
Creating a new file in Python
1. Open file for writing using the open() function with the "w" parameter
2. Specify the name of the file (e.g. "users.csv")
A single character, such as a letter, number or punctuation symbol
Opening a file in Python
1. Use an open command to open the file
2. The variable holds a pointer to the file once it is opened, it's called the file object or file handle
A sequence of characters, including letters, numbers and punctuation
If you don't specify a flag, the file is opened read-only
Reading a file in Python
1. Open the file
2. Use the readline() method to read one line at a time from the start of the file
3. Close the file using the close() command
A whole number
Reading an entire file into a list in Python
1. Open the file
2. Use the readlines() method to read the whole file into a list