Constellation- from greek word con(group) and stella(star)
Group of stars
The International Astronomical Union (IAU) states that the constellations are boundaries in the sky to aid determining locations of newly discovered astronomical objects
Stars appear to move from east to west
The North Star
Constellations observed in different months
Constellation in Spring
(March, April, May)
•Leo (The lion)
•Virgo(The virgin)
• UrsaMajor(The greatBear)
Summer(June, July, August)
•Scorpius (The Scorpion)
•Corona Borealis(The NorthernCrown)
Fall(September, October, November)
•Andromeda(The AndromedaGalaxy)
•Aquila(The Eagle)
•Pegasus(The WingedHorse)
Winter(December, January, February)
•Orion (The Hunter)
•Taurus (The Bull)
•Gemini(The Twins)
Southern Hemisphere- visible will differ depenser on your location in the southern hemisphere
Southern Hemisphere
•Centaurus (TheCentaur)
16 most well known constellations
•Ara( The Altar)
•Aries(The Ram)
•Auriga(The Charioteer)
•Cancer(The Crab)
•Canis Major(The Great Dog)
•Canis Minor(The Lesser Dog)
•Capricornus(The Sea-Goat)
•Cassiopeia(The Queen)
•Cepheus(The King)
•Cetus(The Sea Monster)
•Columba(The Dove)
•Corvus(The Crow)
•Cygnus(The Swann)
•Draco(The Dragon)
•Eridanus(TheRiver Eridanus)
Leo(The Lion)- A majestic constellation. Easily recognize by it's prominent star Regulus or "Lion's Heart"
Virgo(The Virgin) - contains the bright star Spica and associated with the harvest goddess in some cultures
Ursa Major is the Great Bear. Home to the famous Big Dipper asterism
Hercules( The Kneeler) - fifth-largest constellation
Scorpius(The Scorpion) - visible low on the horizon in summer. Contains the bright red star Antares
Corona Borealis(The Northern Crown)- a small, faint constellation resembling a circular crown
Andromeda(The Andromeda Galaxy)- closest spiral galaxy in our Milky Way
Aquila(The Eagle)- represented by a majestic eagle and home to the bright star Altair.