Can effectively prevent these negative consequences and promote gender equality, there are even more implicit forms of gender bias in language that are difficult to suppress
A very subtle resource used to represent women in a less favorable way and thus to enact gender discrimination without meaning to discriminate or even be aware that this linguistic behavior has discriminatory results.
In order to reduce gender bias, it is necessary to change people’s linguistic habits by making them aware of the beneficial effects of gender-fair expressions
Minimizes unnecessary concern about gender in your subject matter, allowing both you and your reader to focus on what people do rather than on which sex they happen to be.
Shown that the average reader's tendency is to imagine a male when reading he or man, even if the rest of the passage is gender neutral.
PEARSON (1981)
presented the terms masculine rhetoric versus feminine rhetoric.
MASCULINERHETORIC - being decisive, direct, rational, authoritative, logical, aggressive, and impersonal.
FEMININERHETORIC - being cautious, receptive, indirect, emotional, conciliatory, subjective, and polite.
His book said that men are from Mars, women are from Venus.
In relation to intelligence, women develop more white brain matter, and men develop more gray brain matter. (University of California, Irvine, 2005.
Represents more information processing centers.
Represents more networking between these processing centers.
An American professor of linguistics at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.
Her book “You Just Don’t Understand” was published in 1960.
She presented a theory named Genderlect about cross-gender communication.
To describe the way that the conversation of men and women are not right and wrong, they are just different.
Some Major Difference Between Men and Women (TANNEN)
CONNECTION AND STATUS - women have a deep desire to seek connection, men have deep desire to seek status.
EMOTION AND RAPPORT - men will prefer solid facts, women will talk more about feelings, relationships, and people; they will include more emotional elements.
Some Major Difference Between Men and Women (TANNEN)
PRIVATE AND PUBLIC - women talk more in private conversations, men talk more in a public form.
CONFLICT conflict for women is a process where connections are reduced, and so they will work hard to avoid them; men will use conflict as a short-cut to gaining status as it quickly establishes the ranking that they prefer.
Goals of Genderlect:
Main goal - mutual respect and understanding.
Contrast - to feminist viewpoints that criticize men for inferior communication which extinguish women
Simply identifies the differences between us and encourages us to acknowledge and accept the communicative culture of the other.
All socially transmitted behaviors, arts, languages, signs, symbols, ideas, beliefs, which are learnt and shared in a particular social group of the same type.
Handed down from one generation to another.
Effects of Cultural Differences
Causes behavior and personality differences like body language, thinking, communication, manners.
Create problems in a normal communicating environment between two different genders of different cultures.
Different cultures have different communicating etiquettes.
Non-Verbal Communication, What Your Behaviors Say About You
NODDING women nod to show that they understand something; men interpret nodding as concurrence.
SMILING women smile more than men do.
POSTURE women engage in weak body posture; men make more eye contact and stand all.
CLOTHING professionally attractive is much preferred over provocatively adorned.