Cards (10)

  • Integrated Coastal Zone Management considers all elements of the coastal system, considers long term management and immediate needs.
  • ICZM's in developing countries tend to focus on adaptation to coastal erosion and flooding as its cheaper. ICZM's in developed countries adapt and mitigate as there's a greater demand to control natural processes
  • 4 decisions for Shoreline Management Plan's? (SMP)
    • No Active Intervention
    • Strategic realignment
    • Hold the Line
    • Advance the Line
  • strategic alignment is allowing shoreline to move natuarally, aims to protect most important areas
  • advance the line is building new coastal defences further out to sea than existing line of defence
  • 3 ways deciding what strategy to use on a coastline?
    • Cost Benefit Analysis
    • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
  • C- Costs
    L - Land Value
    S - Sensitivity of local environment
    L - Local Opinions
    I - Impact on coastal processes
    C - Cultural heritage of area
    E - Engineering suitability
  • 4 things the EIA looks at the impact of construction on?
    • natural processes like longshore drift
    • particular species
    • balance in ecosystem
    • environmental quality
  • an example of conflict between players?
    • local residents and homeowners want their land protected whereas environmental pressure groups want to conserve habitats
  • case study for contrasting strategies at developed and developing countries?
    Happisburgh, England - developed
    Chittagong, Bangladesh - developing