
Cards (21)

  • Strain: Tear/Severe stretch injury to tendon/muscle
  • Sprain: Tear of a ligament
  • Avulsion: Injury which a body structure is torn off by trauma or surgery
  • Strain, Sprain, & Avulsion (Ts)
    Tx: Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate
    Tests: X-Ray
    Treat: NSAIDs & Severe strains = surgical repair
  • Acute Compartment Syndrome (ACS)

    Any disruption to the vascular supply to an extremity
    • After fracture/trauma = Bleeding into muscle compartments
    • Muscle Ischemia (Edema & Raising compartment pressure) = Muscle infarction, neural injury, & necrosis
    • Tight bandage/Cast constriction = Volkmann Contracture (humerus fracture) = MEDICAL EMERGENCY
  • 6 Ps of Compartment Syndrome
    1. Pain
    2. Paresthesia
    3. Poikilothermic
    4. Paralysis
    5. Pulselessness
    6. Pallor
    Tx: Elevation at heart lvl & Fasciotomy (Cutting the fascia to relieve pressure)
  • Osteomyelitis
    Caused by staphylococcal infection
    • Common caused are open wound (exogenous) & blood-borne (endogenous) infection
    • Manifestations: Inflammation, fever, pain
    • Tx: Antibiotics, Surgical implantation of antibiotics beads, Hyperbaric O2 therapy
  • Dislocation: Complete displacement/Separation of the articular surfaces of the joint
  • Subluxation: Partial/Incomplete displacement of the joint surface
  • Osteoporosis
    Low bone mass = Increased risk of fracture
    • RF: Advanced age, Menopause, Low BMI, ETOH, Decreased lvls of estrogen/testosterone, Vit. D & Calcium def. , Diabetes, Hyperthyroidism, etc.
    • Prevention: Weight-bearing exercise (30 mins/wk x3) & Vit. D/Calcium intake
    • Tests: DEXA
    • Treat: Calcium 1,200 mg + Vit. D, Bisphosphonates (Alendronate), & Raloxifene (Evista)
  • Osteomalacia (Soft bones)
    Metabolic disease in which mineral calcification & deposition do not occur
    • Reversible bone disorder & Vit. D def.
    • Etiology: Inability to absorb Calcium & Phosphorus and Malabsorption fr. IBD, liver, pancreas disease, bariatric surgery
    • Manifestations: Weak, soft bones, hip pain
    • Tests: Bone biopsy
    • Treat: Braces, Vit. D, Calcium, Phosphorus, Safety (canes or walkers)
  • Gout
    Inflammatory arthritis related to hyperuricemia (serum uric acid)
    • Dietary purines such as in meats, fish, shellfish, & alcohol (beer)
    • Over-synthesis of uric acid - lack of adequate excretion of uric acid
    • Unilaterally
    • Increase risk for renal calculi (kidney stones)
    • NSAIDS (Naproxen) for pain
    • Corticosteroids
    • Allopurinol
    • Colchicine
  • Fibromyalgia
    Joint & muscle pain w/ tenderness at muscle points (trigger NOT tender)
    • Extreme fatigue
    • Memory loss/Mental fog
    • Bilateral
    • Nonpharmacologic treatment is central to successful outcome and exercise & sleep hygiene
  • OA
    Degenerative joint disease
    • Unilateral pain in one or more joints relieved by rest
    • Non-inflammatory, non-systemic disorder, asymmetrical
    • Decreased ROM
    • Atrophy of muscles
    • NO REDNESS or "HEAT"
    • Crepitus
    • Heerden's nodes = Distal interphalangeal joints (DIPs)
    • Bouchard's nodes = Proximal interphalangeal joints (PIPs)
    • Heat, NSAIDs, Cold, PT exercise, Wt. mngmt., Bracing, & Joint replacement
  • RA

    Autoimmune disease; Inflammation of connective tissue
    • Symmetrical
    • W/ REDNESS & "HEAT"
    • Labs: ESR & C-reactive protein (CRP)
    • DMARDS (Methotrexate & Interleukin-6)
    • NSAIDs (Naproxen/Ibuprofen)
    • Steriods
  • Types of Bone Fracture:
    • Transverse - Perpendicular
    • Linear - Parallel
    • Oblique - Broken at a angle
    • Spiral - Rotation or twisting
    • Greenstick - Does not break completely through
    • Comminuted - Fragments
    • Pathological Fractures - Illness weakened their bones
  • Unnatural Alignment: Angulated malunion (crooked)
    • Manifestations: Swelling, muscle spasm, creptius, improper reduction, etc
    • TX: Closed reduction (cast) or Open reduction (internal/external fixation)
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Repetitive wrist action motions
    • Median nerve is compressed as it travels under transverse carpal ligament
    • Manifestations: Pain, burning (worse at night), tingling/itching/numbness in palm of hand, fingers, thumb index & middle fingers
  • Bone Tumors: Common metastatic site for many other types of CA
    • Osteosarcoma = Common malignant bone forming tumor
    • Occurring in distal femur
    • <20 y/o males
    • In seniors w/ hx of radiation therapy
  • Fat Emboli: Clients w/ long bones & pelvic injuries
    • Minimize movement of the fractured long bone
    • S/Sx: Respiratory distress, Chest pain, AMS-restlessness, Lethargic
  • Try to Remember