Investigations of the physical world, including us and the stuff we make
Making stuff, including stuff used by society, and in the production and dissemination of science
The sum total of our interactions as humans, including the interactions that we engage in to figure things out and to make things. Society is the result of people, and institutions, interacting with one another. Society in turn shapes the people and institutions that form it.
It should be clear that all of these three (Science, Technology and Society) are deeply interconnected
Science and technology has also played an important role in improving the quality of life in human settlements
The role of science and technology in promoting development as well as its limitation in shaping the society
Difference between science and technology
The goal of science is the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake while the goal of technology is to create products that solve problems and improve human life
Science is the theoretical base that enables technology to take flight. Technology becomes the practical applications of science
All tools, machines, utensils, weapons, instruments, housing, clothing, communicating and transportingdevices and the skills by which we produce and use them
Technology is a form of "applied science." It is viewed as "the practical applications of science"
New products, new industries, and more jobs require continuous additions to knowledge of the laws of nature ... This essential new knowledge can be obtained only through basic scientific research
Science and technology have had a major impact on society, and their impact is growing. By making life easier, science has given man the chance to pursue societal concerns such as ethics, aesthetics, education, and justice; to create cultures; and to improve human conditions
How science is used in technology
Science is the pursuit of knowledge about the natural world through systematicobservation and experiments. Through science, we develop new technologies
How technology is used in science
Technology is the application of scientifically gained knowledge for practical purpose. Technology can then be used to advance our scientific knowledge as well
Scientists use technology in all their experiments
Definitions of science
Science as an idea - It includes ideas, theories and all available systematic explanations and observations about the natural and physical world
Science as an intellectual activity - It encompasses a systematic and practical study of the natural and physical world. This process of study involves systematic observation and experimentation
Science as a body of knowledge - It is a subject or a discipline, a field of study, or a body of knowledge that deals with the process of learning about the natural and physical world. This is what we refer to as school science
Science as a personal and social activity - This explains that science is both knowledge and activities done by human beings to develop better understanding of the world around them. It is a means to improve life and to survive in life. It is interwoven with people's lives