GEL 1: History of IT

Cards (25)

  • 4 Main Periods in IT
    Pre-mechanical Age
    Mechanical Age
    Electromechanical Age
    Electronic Age
  • Computer Generations
    • First Generation (1946-1959)
    • Second Generation (1959-1965)
    • Third Generation (1965-1971)
    • Fourth Generation (1971-1980)
    • Fifth Generation (1980 – onwards)
  • First Generation (1946-1959)
    • Computers used the VACUUM TUBE or THERMIONIC VALVE
    • Input was based on punched cards, magnetic tape, and paper tape; output was displayed on printouts
    • Computers worked on binary-coded concept or the so-called machine language (i.e. language of 0-1)
  • Second Generation (1959-1965)
    • Computers used TRANSISTOR TECHNOLOGY
    • Size was smaller, computing time was lesser
    • Magnetic tape and magnetic disks were used as secondary storage devices
    • COBOL, FORTRAN languages were used
    • Computer used multi-programming operating system
  • Third Generation (1965-1971)
    • Size was small, computing time was lesser, consumed less power, generated less heat, maintenance cost was low
    • Peripherals were the same with the second generation, reel to-reel tape for mainframes for long data storage
    • Computers for commercial use
    • High-level languages (FORTRAN-II TO IV, COBOL, PASCAL PL/1, BASIC, ALGOL-68 etc.) were used
  • Fourth Generation (1971-1980)
    • Computers were very small in size, portable, generates very low amount of heat, fast and reliable, affordable that gives rise to Personal Computer (PC) revolution
    • Computers became available for the common people
    • Time sharing, real time networks, distributed operating system were used
    • All the high-level languages like C, C++, DBASE etc., were used in this generation
  • Fifth Generation (1980onwards)
    • Includes hardware and software
    • Computers had high capability and large memory capability, fast, and performed multiple tasks simultaneously
    • VLSI (Very Large-Scale Integration) technology became ULSI (Ultra Large-Scale Integration) technology, resulting in the production of microprocessor chips having ten million electronic components
    • This includes Artificial Intelligence (AI), Quantum Computation, Nanotechnology, Parallel Processing, etc.
    • All the high-level languages like C and C++, Java, .Net etc., are used in this generation
  • Pre- Mechanical Age (3000B.C. - 1450 A.D
    • Petroglyphs (signs or simple figures carved in rock)
    • IdeoGraphs (symbols to represent ideas and concept)
    • Cuneiform - first true written language and the first real info system
    • Star - Heaven or God
    Around 2000Bc Phoenicians created symbols that expressed single sylabbles and consonant
    Greek added vowels
    Roman Gave the letters latin name to create alphabet

    Papers and Pens
    • Sumerians - (stylus and wet clay)
    • Egyptians - papyrus Plants
    • Chinese - made paper from rags
  • Pre - Mechanical Age
    Books and Libraries (storage devices)
    • Mesopotamia - religious leaders kept the earliest book
    • Egyptians -Kept Scrolls
    • Greeks - fold sheets of papyrus vertically into leaves and bind them together
    Abacus The First Calculator
  • Mechanical Age (1450- 1840)
    • Johann Guttenberg - Movable Metal type printing process in 1450
    • John Napier (1614) - a Baron Mechiston, Scotland invented LOGS (logarithm)
    • LOGS- allows multiplication and division to be reduce in add and sub
    • 1614- Arabian Lattice- lay out special version of the multiplication table on a set of four sided wooden rods
  • Mechanical Age
    • Wilhelm Shickard - invented the first mechanical calculator (prof at uni of tubingen, Germany)
    • William Oughtred - 1575- 1660- invented the slide rule
    • Blaise Pascal - invented the Pascaline
    • Gottfried Leibniz - Invented Stepped Reckoner
    • Joseph Marie Jacquard - developed the automatic loom
    • Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar - Developed Arithmometer
    • Charles Babbage - Invented the difference engine and analytical Engine
    • Lady Ada Augusta Lovelace byron - first computer programmer
  • Electromechanical Age
    • Voltaic Battery - Invented by Alessandro Volta - first electric battery
    • Telegraph - Samuel F.B. Morse - conceived of his version of an Electromagnetic Telegraph
    • Alexander Graham Bell - 1879, Developed the first telephone
    • Guglielmo Marconi - 1894 - Discovered that electrical waves travel through space (Radio)
    • George Boole - 1852- Developed the binary Algebra known as Boolean Algebra
  • Electromechanical Computing
    Pehr & Edward Scheutz completed a tabulating Machine, capable or processing fifteen digit numbers, printing out results and rounding off to 8 digits

  • Tabulating Machine
    Capable of processing fifteen digit numbers, printing out results and rounding off to 8 digits
  • Comptometer
    Key driven adding and subtracting calculator
  • Comptograph
    Comptometer containing a built in printer
  • Herman Hollerith
    Father of information processing. Founded tabulating machine Company then later became International Business machines corp (IBM)
  • Punched Card
    Provided new way for programmers to put information to their machine
  • Millionaire
    Efficient four function calculator invented by Otto Shweiger
  • Vacuum tubes
    Developed by Lee de forest
  • Electromechanical Age
  • Electronic Age (1941 - present)
  • Konrad Zuse 1941 - built the first programmable computer called z3
  • Howard Aiken - developed Mark 1 the first stored-program computer
  • John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry - completed the first all electronic computer called ABC or Atanasoff- Berry computer