They are the fuzzy hairs that are at the very top of a leaf. They prevent insects from crawling over the leaf.
What is the waxy cuticle and it‘s function?
It is at the top of the leaf structure and it protects the leaf. It is hydrophobic so water won’t be able to diffuse in.
What is the upper epidermis and what is it’s function?
It is a compacted thin layer of the leaf structure that prevents water loss and is able to absorb the sunlight needed to photosynthesise
What is the palisade mesophyll and it’s function?
Compacted layer of cells in plant leaves that contains chloroplasts which are responsible for photosynthesis.
What is the Xylem and it’s function?
It is a vascular tissue. It transports water and minerals from roots to all throughout the plant
What is the phloem and it’s function?
It is a vascular tissue. It transports sugars and nutrients all throughout the plant
What is the lower epidermis and it’s function?
It’s located at the bottom and it’s a thin layer of the leaf that has the stoma in between it. It prevents water loss
What is the stoma and it’s function?
It has pores for gas exchange. Carbondioxide diffuses in and oxygen diffuses out.
What are the guard cells and it’s functions?
They regulate the opening and closing of the stomata to control gasexchange and waterloss in plants.
What is the spongy mesophyll and it’s function?
Looselypacked cells that contains chloroplasts for photosynthesis and controls gas exchange
What is cytoplasm?
Jelly-like substance that holds all the components of the cell and protects them from damage. It also contains enzymes in which chemical reactions will happen in