Cards (57)

  • Each one of us has a style of communicating that is unique.
  • Communication style
    The choices we tend to make when communicating to others
  • Communication style
    • Assertiveness level
    • Emotiveness level
  • We use different communication styles depending on who we are communicating with
  • Differences in communication style can lead to barriers in communication success
  • If you can learn to understand the other person's communication style

    You are learning your audience and what they need in order to understand your message
  • If you encode your message in a way that they will be more likely to be able to decode it
    There is an increased chance that your message will be delivered successfully
  • Assertive communication styles

    Tell others what to do
  • Less assertive communication styles

    Ask others what should be done
  • More expressive communication styles
    Show emotion
  • Less expressive communication styles

    Refrain from showing emotion
  • The Communication Styles Matrix There are many different models that describe the ways in which we communicate. But one very useful model is based on the work of Dr. Eileen Russo. Her matrix is displayed in the figure below. It shows that there are two different dimensions in communication styles: the level of expressiveness and the level of assertiveness.
  • More Assertive communication styles
    • Tend to 'tell' others what to do
  • Less assertive communication styles

    • Tend to 'ask' others what should be done
  • Expressive communication styles

    • Tend to show their emotions in their face, speech, and tone
  • Less expressive communication styles
    • Either not express their emotions or will work to hide them
  • Direct Communication Style

    People with this style are highly assertive and not expressive
  • Direct Communication Style
    1. Tend to tell others what to do instead of asking others what they think should be done
    2. Will not easily show emotions in their communications with others
    3. Communication style is meant to be expedient, though others may not always see it that way
    4. May appear terse and cold to others, who might take their style of communicating personally
  • Direct communicators will try to tell you as little as possible before moving on to the next topic – not because they are trying to be evasive, but because they are trying to save time. They won’t always stop to listen to others, even if the others have something valuable to contribute. They may seem impatient and overbearing at times, but it’s not meant to be personal. They are attempting to focus on results rather than emotions. They will speak their minds, even if it could be off-putting to others.
  • more Assertive communication styles
    • Tend to 'tell' others what to do
  • Less assertive communication styles
    • Tend to 'ask' others what should be done
  • Expressive communication styles

    • Tend to show their emotions in their face, speech, and tone
  • Less expressive communication styles

    • Either not express their emotions or will work to hide them
  • Direct Communication Style
    Highly assertive and not expressive
  • People with direct communication style
    • Tend to tell others what to do instead of asking others what they think should be done
    • Will not easily show emotions in their communications with others
    • Their communication style is meant to be expedient, though others may not always see it that way
    • May appear terse and cold to others, who might take their style of communicating personally
  • People with direct communication styles
    • Are the 'go-getters' in the group
    • Will work hard and fast and will brook few questions or distractions
    • Need to use caution to avoid appearing dictatorial or cold
    • Could probably use some practice with listening skills
  • Direct communicators
    • Will try to tell you as little as possible before moving on to the next topic – not because they are trying to be evasive, but because they are trying to save time
  • Spirited communication style

    People with this style are very interested in the 'big picture', they are the dreamers, the inventors, and the innovators in the group
  • Spirited communication style

    • Their communication may be full of grand ideas and hyperboles that tend to be very persuasive to others at first
    • They love to flesh out ideas, brainstorm, and talk about the big picture – as long as they get to do a lot of the talking
    • They can have a hard time nailing down the details in their wonderful ideas
    • They may have a hard time sticking to an agenda or to one topic
  • Spirited communication style

    • They are not always very good at discussing the details or the exact steps in the process
    • They will tend to go off on tangents in their conversations, and like to interject anecdotes into their dialogues in order to demonstrate or drive home a point
    • Keeping to an agenda is sometimes a challenge for them since both time management and remaining focused are challenges for this group
    • Their written or verbal communication may tend towards the dramatic
  • Spirited communication style

    While they can be very entertaining, getting them to communicate clearly on specific topics may take the assistance of someone else to guide them through a conversation and keep them on track by bringing them back to the subject at hand
  • Systematic Communication Style

    Focus on facts and details rather than opinions and possibilities
  • Systematic communicators
    • Appreciate facts
    • Prefer facts and analysis over 'big picture' ideas
    • Uncomfortable expressing feelings
    • Tend to avoid confrontation
  • Systematic communicators focus on facts over opinions
  • Communication with tangible evidence is best for systematic communicators
  • Systematic communicators may be slower to respond as they analyze the situation and construct a logical, well thought-out response
  • Charts, graphs and trends are useful tools for communicating with systematic communicators
  • Systematic communicators are uncomfortable with expressing their feelings about things and do not like conflict
  • Systematic communicators may tend to shut down communication rather than dealing with emotional or confrontational situations
  • When giving directions to systematic communicators, you need to be very thorough and precise in relaying them