Walter Scott-first to apply motivation/productivity, and instrumental in hiring soldiers. The theory of Advertising
Hugo Munsterberg-father of industrial psychology. Psychology and Industrial Efficiency
Fredric Taylor-commonsense, sconce over intuition, one best mentor, management and workers. Time-and-motion studies
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth- improve productivity, reduce fatigues
John Watson-pilots
Henry Gantt-boats
Army Alpha- An intelligence test developed during World War I and used by the army for soldiers who can read
Army Beta- An intelligence test developed during World War I and used by the army for soldiers who cannot read
Hawthorne studies- A series of studies, conducted at the Western Electric plant in Hawthome, Illinois, that have come to represent any change in behavior when people react to a change in the environment
Hawthorne effect- When employees changed their behavior due solely to the fact that they are receiving attention or are being observed