Asch’s study

Cards (17)

  • what was the aim
    to find out if a minority will conform to a majority
  • what type of sampling was used
  • what was the sample
    123 male undergraduates in the USA
  • procedure
    Ps were in groups with one naive P and either 6,7 or 8 confederates in the majority.
    • asked to state out loud which line of the 3 matched the standard line
    • 6/18 - confederates gave right answer
    • 12/18 - confederates gave wrong answer = critical trials
  • what experimental method was it
  • what were they told it was a study about?
    visual judgement
  • Ps were also interviewed after the research
  • findings
    ~ 36.8% on the critical trials conformed and gave wrong answers
    ~ control group (judged lines alone) found a 0.7% incorrect answer rate
    ~ 25% never conformed
    ~ 75% conformed at least once
  • what was the conformity rate in the critical trials
  • conclusion
    people will conform to the majority influence even when the answer is obvious due to a desire to be accepted and a fear of ridicule or rejection
  • wanting to be right =
    informational social influence
  • wanting to be liked =
    normative social influence
  • AO3 - population validity
    -sample is all male undergrad students = females suggested to be more conformist because they may care more about what groups think of them
    -ethnocentric = conformity rates differ in cultures
  • AO3 - temporal validity
    -1950s was a time of a highly conformist society in the USA = findings are era dependent
  • AO3 - temporal validity support study
    Perrin + Spencer replicated the study in 1980 and only 1/396 responses went along with the majority
    :( done with british engineering, maths and chemistry students - less likely to conform because they have knowledge on the topic
  • AO3 - ethical issues
    no informed consent
    failure to protect from psychological harm
  • AO3- lab experiment 

    ~ highly controlled
    ~ standardised instructions= replicable and the findings will be consistent + reliable giving greater scientific credibility
    :( ecological validity:
    ~ artificial setting, irl situations are more complex + have ambiguity
    ~ matching lines isn’t important/reflective of real life, might’ve conformed because they don’t care